Learning outcomes

 In 2024-2025, the course is taught in the second term by A. Sinte.
Students will be introduced to multimodal discourse analysis. On the one hand, they will study the construction of discourse (the very conception of an argumentative statement independently of its actual oral realization) and, on the other hand, they will analyze particular cases selected on the basis of a chosen corpus (e.g. excerpts from TedX-type conferences).


Mastery of the fundamentals of rhetoric and discourse analysis skills (sample)


Prototypical lesson plan (subject to change)
1. The framework: Rhetoric and eloquence
2. Approach: Multimodality of discourse
3. The object of study: “Formal” discourse
4. Analysis tool and grid: Annotate to analyze
5. Applications: Processing speech samples


Exercises carried out in class and at home

Teaching methods


Assessment method

Oral examination

Sources, references and any support material

Course materials (power point and reading portfolio) will be provided on the Web campus throughout the term.
Some bibliographical references for information purposes:    
Brossard, A. (1996). Discours oraux - discours écrits : Quelles relations... au visuel? Revue Tranel (Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique).
Calbris, G. (2001). Methodological principles for an analysis of gesture accompanying speech. Mots. Les langages du politique, 67(1), 129 148.
Ferré, G. (2019). Multimodal discourse analysis. Gestuality and prosody in discourse. UGA Editions.
Meyer, M. (2020). Rhetoric. Humensis.
Perelman, C. (1997). The rhetorical empire: Rhetoric and argumentation. Vrin.
Schmetz, R. (2000). L'argumentation selon Perelman: Pour une raison au coeur de la rhétorique. Presses universitaires de Namur.
Rastier, F. (2023). The discursive traditions of rhetoric. Texto ! Textes et cultures, XXVIII, 1 10.
Ringoot, R., & Robert-Demontrond, P. (Éds.). (2004). L'analyse de discours. Apogée.


Language of instruction
