Learning outcomes

- In general reading comprehension: the learner is able to understand short simple texts on common concrete topics with a high frequency of everyday or work-related language. The learner is also able to understand short, simple texts containing highly frequent vocabulary, including internationally shared vocabulary. - In general listening comprehension: the learner can understand enough to meet concrete needs provided that diction is clear and the rate of speech is slow. The learner can also understand expressions and meaningful words related to areas of immediate priority (e.g. basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). - In general oral production: the learner is able to describe or present people, living conditions, daily activities, likes and dislikes in a simple way, using short series of expressions or non-articulated sentences. - In general oral interaction: the learner can interact with reasonable ease in well-structured situations and in short conversations, provided the other person gives help where necessary. The learner can deal with simple everyday exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in familiar, predictable everyday situations. - In written production: the learner is able to write a series of simple expressions and sentences linked by simple connectors such as "and", "but" and "because", about everyday aspects of his/her environment, e.g. people, places, work or study, with connected sentences; make a brief and elementary description of an event, past activities and personal experiences.


At the end of the academic year, all students will aim to achieve A2(+) in all skills, regardless of whether they were placed in the elementary or intermediate group at the beginning of the year.


The course runs throughout the academic year with one hour of class per week. Before each lesson, the student will have consulted Webcampus and completed the task(s) required by the teacher. The course material will be based on the "Socios 1" textbook for both levels.

Assessment method

The assessment is the same for students who have taken the "beginner" or "intermediate" course. The course will be assessed according to the following weighting A) Continuous assessment (30%) In each term, a grammar/vocabulary test is given on the material of the units seen. B) Written examination (January session; 20%) In January, students will be assessed on the first term's material by means of a written exam, which covers the different skills worked on in class: listening and reading comprehension, and written expression. C) Final exam (June session; 50%) In June, students will have to take an oral and a written exam. 1) The oral exam (25%) will consist of (1) a conversation in pairs on topics covered in the different units of the Socios 1 textbook and (2) a conversation with the teacher on the portfolio produced during the course. The student who does not hand in a portfolio cannot present the oral exam. 2) The written exam (25%) will focus on vocabulary, grammar and the different skills worked on during the year. To validate the course, the student must have passed the different parts of the assessment, i.e. a mark equal to or higher than 10/20 for each part of the assessment. If any of the marks are below 10/20, the student will repeat the failed part(s) in the second session (August). For the August session, there will no longer be a distinction between the January and June subject. Regardless of the part to be retaken, the subject matter of the written examination will be that of the whole year.


Warning : please note that the success of this teaching unit does not lead to certification.

Sources, references and any support material

The books are available at the ECO sales room (reprography). Compulsory books: 1. González, M., Martín, F., Rodrigo, C. & Verdía, E. (2007). Socios 1. Libro del alumno. Nueva edición (2019). Barcelona: Difusión. 2. Corpas, J. & Martínez, L. (2008). Socios 1. Cuaderno de ejercicios. Curso de español orientado al mundo del trabajo. Nueva edición (2019). Barcelona: Difusión. Recommended but not required: 1. Alonso Raya, R. et al (2005). Gramática básica del estudiante de español. Barcelona: Difusión.

Language of instruction
