Learning outcomes

Being confronted with the real job of a teacher in a nearly real situation


Being confronted with the real job of a teacher in a nearly real situation


Teaching mathematics in two different kinds of classrooms : one from the general sector and one from the technic sector, overseen by a senior teacher and didacticians.

Teaching methods

Practical teaching in the classroom during two periods separated by discussions with all the students.

Assessment method

Evaluation decided at the end of a discussion between the two senior teachers who oversaw the student, the academic supervisor and the didacticians who participate to the teaching.

Sources, references and any support material

Baruk S., "Si 7=0 - Quelles mathématiques pour l'école", Odile Jacob, Paris, 2004.

Johsua S. - Dupin J.J., "Introduction à la didactique des sciences et des mathématiques", Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1993.

Briand J. - Chevalier M.C., "Les enjeux didactiques dans l'enseignement des mathématiques", Hatier, Paris, 1995.

Language of instruction
