Using simulation to support professionals
- UE code FACCM312
18Quarter 1
- ECTS Credits 3
Given the importance of debriefing for the support of professionals in the field, the aim of this course is that, by the end of the course, the support worker should be able to prepare and conduct a debriefing in accordance with the principles taught in the course.
To achieve this, the coach must be able to :
Formulate the objective(s) of a debriefing in an operational manner;
Describe (and formulate) the type of questions to be asked during a debriefing;
Name the conditions (where, when, how long, etc.) under which a debriefing should take place;
Name, describe and carry out the various stages inherent in a debriefing;
Describe the role of the coach in the debriefing (in relation to the different stages of the debriefing).
- Analysing different situations at the micro, meso and macro levels of personal or professional development and drawing out the implications in terms of support
- Design and regulate innovative coaching approaches, in line with the situations encountered, relevant to the organisational contexts and the issues identified
- Use coaching to transform complex, unpredictable professional contexts that require new strategic approaches
- Integrate the ethical and deontological dimensions of coaching by understanding the individual, relational and organisational issues at stake
Identifying the values and principles underlying professional practice
This teaching unit consists of two parts:
Part 1: (theory - 12h)
- The concepts of support and simulation (definitions) ;
- Simulations for vocational training purposes (objectives, stages/phases of a simulation, etc.);
- Debriefing (types of debriefing, debriefing stages, types of questions to ask, reflexivity, etc.);
- The role of the coach in debriefing;
- Tools to help with debriefing and evaluating debriefing (PEARLS, DISCOVER-PHASE, DASH methods, etc.).
Part 2: (practical - 6h)
Preparing and conducting debriefings
Preparing a debriefing based on a case study (written assignment)
More specifically, the written assignment must include the following points:
- Description and objective analysis of a "problematic" situation in the field of coaching/arising from the professional field of the coach (experienced or authentic)
- Substantiated proposal (with particular reference to the theoretical resources used in the course) for debriefing as a support method for dealing with this situation
- Description of the debriefing envisaged for this situation (cf. statement of the objective(s) of the debriefing, statement of the questions to be asked as part of the various stages inherent in the debriefing, description of the conditions (where, when, how long, etc.) in which the debriefing will take place, description of the posture and skills of the coach in this situation (reflective presentation)).
The work must comply with the standards expected of an academic paper (structure, syntax, spelling, absence of plagiarism, bibliography).
Bastiani, B., Calmettes, B., & Minville, V. (2017). Le débriefing en question dans la formation par simulation pleine échelle en santé : le cas des situations critiques en anesthésie - réanimation. In M. Sain-Jean, N. Lafranchise, C. Lepage & L. Lafortune (Eds.), Regards croisés sur la rétroaction et le débriefing. Accompagner, former et professionnaliser (pp. 97-122). Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec.
Béguin, P., & Weill-Fassina, A. (1997). De la simulation des situations de travail à la situation de simulation. In P. Béguin & A. Weill-Fassina (Eds.), La simulation en ergonomie : connaître, agir et interagir (pp. 5-28). Toulousse: Octarès.
Dismukes, R.K., McDonnell, L.K., Jobe, K.K, & Smith, G.M. (2000) What is facilitation and why use it? In R.K. Dismukes & G.M. Smith (Eds.), Facilitation in aviation training and operations (pp. 1-12). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Gardner, R. (2013). Introduction to debriefing. Seminars in Perinatology, 37, 166-174.
Grau, J.Y., Doireau, P., & Poisson, R. (1998). Conception et usage de la simulation. Le Travail Humain, 61(4), 361-385.
Haute Autorité de Santé (2012). Evaluation and improvement of practices: Guide to good practice in healthcare simulation. Retrieved from…
Pastré, P. (2009). Learning through problem solving: the role of simulation. In P. Pastré & P. Rabardel (Eds.), Apprendre par la simulation. De l'analyse du travail aux apprentissages professionnels (pp. 17-40). Toulouse : Octarès.
Savoldelli, G. (2011, May). No simulation without debriefing! Paper presented at the Study and Exchange Day of the Maison des Associations socio-politiques, Geneva.
Savoldelli, G., & Boet, S. (2013). Séance de simulation : Du briefing au débriefing. In S. Boet, J.-C Granry & G. Savoldelli (Eds.), La simulation en santé: de la théorie à la pratique (pp. 313-328). Paris: Springer.
Sawyer, T., Eppich, W., Brett-Fleegler, M., Grant, V., & Cheng, A. (2016). More than one way to debrief: A critical review of healthcare simulation debriefing methods. Simul Healthc, 11(3), 209-217.
Vidal-Gomel, C., Fauquet-Alekhine, P., & Guibert, S. (2011). Reflections and theoretical contributions on the practice of trainers and simulation. In Ph. Fauquet-Alekhine & N. Pehuet (Eds.), Améliorer la pratique professionnelle par la simulation (pp. 115-141). Toulouse: Octarès.
Weill-Fassina, A. (2012). Le développement des compétences professionnelles au fil du temps à l'épreuve des situations de travail. In A. Molinié, C. Gaudart & V. Pueyo (Eds.), La vie professionnelle, âge expérience et santé à l'épreuve des conditions de travail (pp. 117-143). Toulouse: Octarès.
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Master de spécialisation en accompagnement des professionnels de l'éducation, du management, de la santé et de l'action sociale | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Master de spécialisation en accompagnement des professionnels de l'éducation, du management, de la santé et de l'action sociale | Standard | 1 | 3 |