Learning outcomes

The student must acquire a structured vision of the artistic production of the Middle Ages. The student must become familiar with the observation, description and analysis of medieval works using a specific and adequate vocabulary. They will also learn to contextualise the work from a stylistic, geographical and historical perspective.


After an overview of the geographical, historical and religious conditions, the arts of the Middle Ages are approached chronologically from the beginning of the High Middle Ages to the late Gothic period. The major artistic periods of the medieval West (early Christian kingdoms, Carolingian period, Ottonian period and early Romanesque art, Romanesque period, Gothic period) are dealt with through the various media: architecture, sculpture, painting and decorative arts.

Teaching methods

The courses are based on multimedia presentations of the "power-point" type, with reproductions of the works commented on, maps but also various textual information. A synthetic syllabus accompanies the course, as well as a glossary of the technical terms most commonly used in the course.

Assessment method

The examination is written. It consists of two parts: the first part, reserved for questions of terminology, recognition and characterisation of works or monuments seen in the course, and the second part, devoted to an open question, which invites a more global reading of the subject.

Sources, references and any support material

bibliography given during the course

Language of instruction
