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  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    SMATB102 Real analysis II 30h th. + 32.5h ex.
    SMATB107 Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 30h th. + 32h ex.
    SMATB112 Introduction to mathematical thinking 30h th. + 30h ex.
    SMATB101 Linear algebra 30h th. + 32h ex.
    SMATB103 Real analysis 30h th. + 32.5h ex.
    SMATB202 Advanced algebra 15h th. + 19h ex.
    SMATB240 Linear algebra II 22.5h th. + 26.5h ex.
    SMATB203_P30742 Complex analysis 22.5h th. + 26.5h ex.
    SMATB214 Differential Geometry 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB216 General Topology 15h th. + 19h ex.
    SMATB222 Ordinary Differential Equations 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SECOB201 Economy 30h th. + 7.5h ex.
    SMATB254 Graph Theory 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB307 Symplectic geometry 22.5h th. + 15h ex.
    SMATB302 Measure and Integration Theory 30h th. + 30h ex.
    SMATB301 Functional analysis 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    SMATB109 Discrete Probability Theory 22.5h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SINFB103 Programming I 30h th. + 16h ex.
    SINFB104 Programming II 19h ex.
    SMATB211 Statistics 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB208 Mécanique du point et du solide 22.5h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SINFB206 Programming project 7h th. + 15h ex.
    SINFB207 Additional programming 22h th. + 15h ex.
    SMATB304 Optimization 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB305 Probability II 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB303 Numerical analysis 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB310 Interdisciplinary work
    SMATB315 Mathematical algorithms for scientific computing 30h th. + 45h ex.
    SMATB317 Partial differential equations and numerical methods 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    SPHYB124_P30711 General physics: Mechanics 55h th. + 24h ex.
    SMATB213 Astronomie 15h th.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    SSPSB101 Philosophical questions 22.5h th. + 7.5h ex.
    SSPSB102 Religious Studies: Anthropology, Metaphysics and Science 30h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SSPSB204 Logic and argumentation 22.5h th.
      SSPSB202 History of science 22.5h th.
      SSPSB203 Psychologie 22.5h th.
      SSPSB307 Formal logic 15h th.
      SSPSB308 Philosophy of science 15h th.
      SSPSB309 Ethical 15h th.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    SELVB104 English (level B1+) 30h th.
    SELVB204 English (minimum level B1+) 30h th.
    SELVB304 English (minimum level B2) 30h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SMATB243 Introduction to Space Sciences
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    INFOB126 Computer Architecture 30h th. + 15h ex.
    SPHYB126_P30714 General physics: Electricity 50h th. + 21h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SMATB210 Mathematical tools for modeling 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
      EINGB351 Recherche opérationnelle 30h th. + 15h ex.
      SMATB334 Problem solving and mathematical modelling 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
      SMATB325 Regression models 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      INFOB234 Conception et programmation orientée objet 30h th. + 30h ex.
      INFOB126 Computer Architecture 30h th. + 15h ex.
      INFOB212 Database Engineering 45h th. + 15h ex.
      INFOB313 Analysis and Modelling of Information Systems 30h th. + 30h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SBIOB219 Biology 30h th.
      SPHYB209 <unknown> 30h th. + 15h ex.
      SBIOB003 Pluridisciplinary scientific field trip 48h ex.
      SPHYB304 Astrophysics 15h th.
      SPHYB308_P31002 Geophysics 15h th. + 15h ex.
      SCHIB309 Mathematical chemistry 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      EFASB357 Macroeconomics 45h th.
      EFASB354 Comptabilité financière et analytique 45h th.
      ECGEB375 International economic relations 30h th. + 15h ex.
      ECGEB383 Finance 45h th. + 15h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SMATB292 Student researcher project Q1-Q2
      SMATB290 Projet pilote "Etudiant-chercheur"
      SMATB291 Projet pilote "Etudiant-chercheur"
      SMATB392 Student researcher project Q1-Q2
      SMATB390 Projet pilote "Etudiant-chercheur"
      SMATB391 Projet pilote "Etudiant-chercheur"
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  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SMATB102 Real analysis II 7 30h th. + 32.5h ex.
    SMATB107 Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 5 30h th. + 32h ex.
    SMATB112 Introduction to mathematical thinking 5 30h th. + 30h ex.
    SMATB101 Linear algebra 5 30h th. + 32h ex.
    SMATB103 Real analysis 7 30h th. + 32.5h ex.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SMATB109 Discrete Probability Theory 4 22.5h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SINFB103 Programming I 3 30h th. + 16h ex.
    SINFB104 Programming II 3 19h ex.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SPHYB124_P30711 General physics: Mechanics 8 55h th. + 24h ex.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SSPSB101 Philosophical questions 2 22.5h th. + 7.5h ex.
    SSPSB102 Religious Studies: Anthropology, Metaphysics and Science 2 30h th.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SELVB104 English (level B1+) 3 15h th. 15h th.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    INFOB126 Computer Architecture 6 30h th. + 15h ex.
    SPHYB126_P30714 General physics: Electricity 6 50h th. + 21h ex.
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  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SMATB202 Advanced algebra 3 15h th. + 19h ex.
    SMATB240 Linear algebra II 3 22.5h th. + 26.5h ex.
    SMATB203_P30742 Complex analysis 5 22.5h th. + 26.5h ex.
    SMATB214 Differential Geometry 4 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB216 General Topology 3 15h th. + 19h ex.
    SMATB222 Ordinary Differential Equations 5 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SECOB201 Economy 3 30h th. + 7.5h ex.
    SMATB254 Graph Theory 5 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SMATB211 Statistics 5 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB208 Mécanique du point et du solide 3 22.5h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SINFB206 Programming project 2 7h th. + 15h ex.
    SINFB207 Additional programming 2 22h th. + 15h ex.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SMATB213 Astronomie 2 7.5h th. 7.5h th.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SELVB204 English (minimum level B1+) 3 15h th. 15h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SMATB243 Introduction to Space Sciences 3
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  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SMATB307 Symplectic geometry 4 22.5h th. + 15h ex.
    SMATB302 Measure and Integration Theory 6 30h th. + 30h ex.
    SMATB301 Functional analysis 6 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SMATB304 Optimization 5 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB305 Probability II 5 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB303 Numerical analysis 5 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
    SMATB310 Interdisciplinary work 4
    SMATB315 Mathematical algorithms for scientific computing 5 30h th. + 45h ex.
    SMATB317 Partial differential equations and numerical methods 5 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SELVB304 English (minimum level B2) 3 15h th. 15h th.