Nicolas Franco
Nicolas Franco is a lecturer in the Mathematics Department. His main area of research at the naXys institute concerns the mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, and in particular the construction and analysis of complex mathematical models simulating the spread of the covid-19 epidemic. He is also a specialist in mathematical physics, and more particularly in the application of non-commutative geometry to the physics of fundamental interactions.
Nicolas Franco is a research associate at Hasselt University, Data Science Institute. He is also a trained professional classical pianist.
Research institutes
Domains of expertise
- Mathematical modeling
- Mathematical models for long-term projection of the covid-19 epidemic
- Application of non-commutative geometry in physics
- Mathematical models of unification theories
External responsibilities
Mathematical activities:
Partner in the Modeling Consortium pilot project between Sciensano, UHasselt and UNamur.
Contributor to the European Covid-19 Scenario Hub and RespiCompass, ECDC.
Member of RAG - Sciensano
Consultant to the federal government
Member of the RESTORE consortium on long-term mathematical modeling of the COVID-19 epidemic in Belgium, FWO (2020-2022)
Member of the National Jury of the Belgian Mathematical Olympiad
Member of SBPMef
Supervision of preparatory courses for the International Mathematical Olympiad
Reviewer for Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Physics Letters B, Journal of Geometry and Physics, Journal of Mathematical Physics, SIGMA, Universe, IOP Conference Series, Archives of Public Health, Proceedings A, PLOS Computational Biology, Frontiers in Public Health, Epidemiology and Infection, Mathematical Biosciences
Piano activities:
Numerous concerts in Belgium: Bozar, Juillet Musical d'Aulne, Printemps Musical de Silly, Printemps Musical de Waha, Concerts de midi Bruxelles, deSingel Antwerpen, Middagconcerten Antwerpen, Salle des Roches Rochefort, Festival Musical du Condroz, EPTA, Journées du Patrimoine, Musica aeterna, Cavatine...
Numerous science-related concerts: FNRS Five-Year Prizes, Mathematischer Salon at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics (Bonn), Popularizing Science and Music (Krakow Music Academy), Doctor honoris causa ceremony (Namur), Ouverture académique (Namur), Télévie (Namur), Imaginary exhibition (Hasselt), etc.
Performance of Sergei Rachmaninov's Second Concerto with the Flanders Philharmonic Orchestra
Winner of the Fond Thirionet
CD recording
Others :
Webmaster of the literary website www.oniris.be and President of the French association Oniris - Association internationale de littérature amateur francophone
Webmaster of the Belgian Mathematical Olympiad omb.sbpm.be
Doctorate in Science (Namur - 2011)
Licence en Sciences Mathématiques (LPGD, Namur - 2006)
First Prize in Solfeggio (Liège - 2000)
First Prize Piano (Mons - 2002)
First Prize in Chamber Music (Mons - 2003)
Jobs :
2022 - present: University of Namur - Lecturer
2020 - 2022 : University of Hasselt - Postdoctoral researcher
2015 - 2022 : University of Namur - Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer
2016 - 2021 : Conservatory of Ciney - Piano teacher
2014 - 2015 : Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland - postdoctoral researcher
2012 - 2014 : Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Krakow, Poland - postdoctoral researcher
2011 - 2012 : University of Namur - teaching assistant
2010 - 2011 : University of Namur - scholarship holder
2006 - 2010 : University of Namur - aspirant F.R.S.-FNRS
2005 - 2006 : Conservatoire de Ciney - piano teacher
Mathematical awards:
Namurois of the Year (2020, Science category)
2nd prize (1999), 3rd prize (1996 and 2001) and 4th prize (1997) in the Belgian Mathematical Olympiads
Member of the Belgian team at the 42nd International Mathematical Olympiad (2001 - Washington D.C.)
2nd prize (2003) and 7th prize (2002) in the international final (Paris) of the Mathematical and Logical Games Championship (FFJM) in the student category, 1st prize (2007) and 8th prize (2005 and 2008) in the high-competition category.
Pianistic distinctions :
1st prize at the Rencontres Internationales des Jeunes Pianistes (EPTA competition - 2006)
5th prize at the Emmanuel Durlet International Piano Competition in Antwerp (2005)
3rd prize in the Jonge Virtuozen international piano competition of the Antwerp Lions Club (2002)
1st prize at the Excellentia piano competition in Linkebeek (2002)
1st prize, Andrée Charlier piano competition, Marcinelle - Charleroi (2001)
1st prize, André Dumortier piano competition, Leuze-en-Hainaut (2000)
1st prize, Dexia Bank Axion Classics piano competition (2000)
Finalist in the Enscrede International Pianocompetition (Netherlands - 2004)
Semi-finalist in the Guerrero Foundation International Piano Competition (Madrid - 2003), the André Dumortier International Competition (Leuze - 2008) and the Delia Steinberg Competition (Madrid - 2008)
Selected for the Queen Elisabeth International Competition (Brussels 2010)
Further information - profiles :
- Google Scholar : scholar.google.com
- Orcid : 0000-0003-1688-8342
- ResearcherID : P-8756-2016
- Inspire-hep : N.Franco.1
- MathSciNet (Mathematical Reviews) : www.ams.org/mathscinet
- arXiv : franco_n_1
- ResearchGate : Nicolas_Franco4
- LinkedIn : nicolas-franco-belgium
Probabilités I [SMATB109]
Théorie des graphes [SMATB254]
Théorie des graphes et réseaux de Petri [IHDCM321]
Algorithmique mathématique pour le calcul scientifique [SMATB315]
Analyse mathématique - 1re partie [INFOB142]
Analyse mathématique - 2e partie [INFOB172]
Modélisation mathématique des maladies infectieuses [SMATM128]
Statistiques [SMATB312]
Probabilités I [SMATB109]
Théorie des graphes [SMATB254]
Théorie des graphes et réseaux de Petri [IHDCM321]
Algorithmique mathématique pour le calcul scientifique [SMATB315]
Analyse mathématique - 1re partie [INFOB142]
Analyse mathématique - 2e partie [INFOB172]
Modélisation mathématique des maladies infectieuses [SMATM128]
Statistiques [SMATB312]
Analyse mathématique (1re partie) [INFOB124]
Analyse mathématique (2e partie) [INFOB127]
Probabilités I [SMATB109]
Théorie des graphes [SMATB254]
Théorie des graphes et réseaux de Petri [IHDCM321]
Algorithmique mathématique pour le calcul scientifique [SMATB315]
Modélisation mathématique des maladies infectieuses [SMATM128]
Statistiques [SMATB212]
Algorithmique mathématique pour le calcul scientifique [SMATB306]
Analyse mathématique (1re partie) [INFOB124]
Analyse mathématique (2e partie) [INFOB127]
Probabilités I [SMATB109]
Théorie des graphes [SMATB254]
Théorie des graphes et réseaux de Petri [IHDCM321]
Modélisation mathématique des maladies infectieuses [SMATM224]
Statistiques [SMATB212]