Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to (individually or in groups)
- present themselves orally in a professional context ;
- interview a person about their professional life;
- take part in a job interview;
- hold a conversation with a native Dutch speaker
- express a balanced opinion on subjects directly related to the world of work
- etc.
- summarise in writing and in a structured way information gathered on a given subject (e.g. report on an activity, an interview, etc.)
- understand in detail a job advertisement and respond appropriately in a cover letter 
- write a professional curriculum vitae;
- give concise written answers to thought-provoking questions about the world of business, using the necessary vocabulary and grammatical structures;
- demonstrate mastery of grammar and thematic vocabulary (level B2) in tests or in reception/production activities


The EELVB381 course is a continuation of the EELVB281 course. It aims to achieve level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in all skills, specifically productive skills. The main objectives are as follows
- Preparation for the professional world and communication in a professional environment (e.g. CV, cover letter, job interview, meetings, etc.); 
- Discovering yourself, your skills and your needs in a professional environment
- Meeting Dutch speakers (interview, tandem);
- Acquiring knowledge about interculturality and about the job market in Flanders and the Netherlands through written and oral documents;
- Further study of grammar (level B2) and thematic vocabulary related to the subjects covered in the course;
- The application of grammar and vocabulary in the various receptive and productive skills, at the desired level. 
- The development of cross-curricular skills (autonomy, cooperation, analysis, critical thinking and synthesis, stress, time and deadline management, etc.).


The course will focus on reception/production activities linked to the professional world.
The students will meet Dutch speakers through different activities: interview with a professional, tandem with one or two students from UGent.
In addition to the course, each student will meet a teacher twice a year as part of the ‘Een Nederlandstalige interviewen’ activity.
Students will deepen their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary (expected level (B2)).

Teaching methods

- Interactive seminar (about thirty students).
- student investment: Een Nederlandstalige interviewen’ + tandem
- The course takes place every other week.
- The course will be based, among other things, on the principle of the flipped classroom: students prepare materials (texts, videos) and exercises (oral, written) before the course in order to use them in production and exchange activities proposed by the teacher during the course. The presence of the students and their active participation is therefore absolutely essential for the course to run smoothly.

Assessment method

Warning : please note that the success of this teaching unit does not lead to certification.

The course can only be passed if all parts of the mark have been taken and no part is less than 7/20. Any part that has not been taken or any unjustified absence from any part of the assessment will result in a mark of 1/20 for the course as a whole. However, for the August session, if the overall course average does not reach 10/20, each student will only resit those parts for which he/she has not obtained 10/20. Warning: the TANDEM mark cannot be taken again and is simply transferred to the second session.
- Continuous assessment                                                             35% 
o Tandems                                                                                      15%
            - Personal file 
            - task(s) completed in class
o ‘Een Nederlandstalige interviewen’ (cf. webcampus document) 20%
            - written assignment in class: 10%.
            - Individual appointments Q1 +Q2 (oral): 20%.
Deadlines for registering for an appointment: Sunday 20 October (Q1) and Sunday 23 February (Q2) at 11.59pm.
- January exam                                                                            25% 
o Exam focusing on mastery of grammatical and lexical tools, written reception and production
- June exam -                                                                               40%
o Written part in preparation for the oral: cover letter  + curriculum vitae in response to a job offer selected by the student, due no later than Wednesday 21 May.  10%
Assessment will be based on :
- the match between the letter and the vacancy ;
- language use quality (vocabulary, grammar) ;
- coherence and cohesion of ideas.
o Oral exam (30%): conditional on the timely submission of the cover letter + cv + job offer (see above).
- Optional activities
In the first session, students who have participated actively, repeatedly and with motivation in an optional activity will be entitled to 0.5 bonus points. These may include :
- Lunchtime conversation tables
- Extra supervision with Mrs Schoonbroodt
- Eten en Spelen’ lunchtime activities
- ERAMUS students
ERASMUS students in Q1 should contact the course teacher (Christelle Hoorelbeke) at the beginning of the year (by 6 October at the latest) to inform her of their particular situation.  
They will be able to sit the January exam either during the January session or at a later date to be determined in agreement with the teacher.
Students will contact their teacher to arrange an appointment at the beginning of the second term to present the Q1 appointment for the ‘Een Nederlandstalige interviewen’ part and will choose their second appointment from the dates proposed for the activity.
Tandem work can be done remotely during Q1.
- August session 
Only the parts for which the student does not obtain at least 10/20 must be repeated in the second session, with the exception of the TANDEM mark, which is simply carried over from one session to the next with no possibility of improvement.


Sources, references and any support material

  • Le matériel pour le cours sera disponible au fur et à mesure du développement du cours sur le WebCampus.
  • Manuel : Gondry, Alain et Vercruysse, Christophe, S’exprimer en néerlandais – aide à la conversation, de Boeck supérieur, 2ème édition
  • Evolutieve en contrastieve grammatica (Syllabus ELV )

Language of instruction
