Students selected to take part in an international mobility program receive a grant, the calculation of which varies according to the destination country, the type, format and duration of the mobility and their status. In some cases, they may also benefit from a travel package.

Mobility support grants, as their name suggests, are not intended to cover all the costs incurred by the student during their stay abroad, but to make a significant contribution.

However, as inclusion is one of the priorities of the 2021-2027 programming of the Erasmus+ program, special arrangements, both financial and organizational, have been made to encourage the participation of participants with fewer opportunities (AMO) in mobility programs. More information is available on the page of the site dedicated to inclusion policies in international mobility programs.

Eligibility criteria for an international mobility grant

For international mobility to be funded, the following conditions must be met:

  • The student applying for a mobility grant for study or internship purposes has been definitively selected by the faculty to which he/she belongs, in compliance with the criteria and procedures set by the faculty and the timetable defined at institutional level;
  • the student applying for a mobility grant is regularly enrolled at UNamur at the time of his/her stay abroad in a program that provides for a study or internship stay;
  • the student carrying out a study stay has been accepted by one of the institutions with which UNamur has established a partnership. For the list of possible destinations, please consult the website and contact your faculty coordinator.
  • the student on a training stay (internship) has been accepted by an international public or private organization (company, university, research center, NGO...), thanks to the signature of an internship agreement signed prior to the mobility;
  • the studies and training activities carried out during the mobility must form part of the student's curriculum at UNamur and be the subject of full academic recognition. Credits will be transferred or awarded in accordance with the standards set out in the Erasmus University Charter.
  • A formal study or work placement agreement must be drawn up and signed by all three parties before the student's departure.

Payment of scholarship

Payment of the scholarship is normally made in two instalments:

  • The first instalment is normally paid before departure, provided that contractual documents and other formalities are in order, including:

(1) the duly completed and signed Scholarship Contract and the Study or Internship Agreement completed and signed by all three parties have been sent

to the International Relations Department (SRI) (2) receipt of confirmation of enrolment at UNamur for the year of mobility, and this in a program that provides for the mobility stay (3) receipt of confirmation of passing the first language test via Online Linguistic Support. Note: students receiving an Erasmus Belgica or FAMES grant are not affected by this provision.

The first instalment corresponds to 80% of the total amount of the grant. This amount is calculated on the basis of the estimated duration of the stay.

  • The balance is paid after return to Belgium, provided that the student:

(1) has sent the SRI the attestation of stay signed and sealed by the host university coordinator or placement supervisor, with the exact dates of the stay;

(2) has submitted his/her evaluation report (3) has taken the second language test via Online Linguistic Support (only for students receiving (co-)funding from the Erasmus+ program).

The balance is calculated on the basis of the actual time spent on site (final calculation).

Loans for master students

As part of financing a mobility project, 2nd cycle students can apply for an interest-free loan from the Cellule sociale des étudiants.

For more information about this loan (terms and conditions, application procedure, etc.), we invite you to get in touch with one of the social assistants - either by phone on 081/72 50 85 - or by email

Find out more about practical details


Insurance and visa

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Green mobility

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Note conversion

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