The RSC Triennial Prize is intended to honor a researcher in full scientific bloom whose work receives an international audience and is considered seminal.

Since 1969, this prize has rewarded numerous chemists recognized in Belgium and particularly from UNamur since 3 other members of the Department have already received it: Jean-Marie André (1984); Benoît Champagne (2002) and Johan Wouters (2008).

Learn more about SRC.

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The research team

These research topics, which Professor Guillaume Berionni's Laboratoire de Réactivité et Catalyse Organométallique (RCO) team is working on, are located at the frontier between organic, organometallic, heterochemistry (Group 13 and 14 elements), and coordination chemistry, and are advancing the development of new concepts in homogeneous catalysis.

These research projects are financed by various funding bodies, including the FNRS, the European Union via the ERC, or the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

Guillaume Berionni is also a member of the Namur Institute of Structured Matter - NISM (Pôle FSM). He currently leads a research team of 14 PhD students, post-docs and master's students.

A year after receiving prestigious funding from the European Research Council (ERC) for his B-Yond project, Prof Guillaume Berionni was appointed a Fellow of the prestigious European chemistry society Chemistry Europe in early 2024. This distinction makes him the new representative for Belgium for a period of 2 years.

Congratulations to him and his team!

Read our previous articles

  • Guillaume Berionni Belgian representative at the European Chemical Society: Read article...
  • An ERC Consolidator fellowship for Guillaume Berionni's B-YOND project: Read article...

The 1st MG-ERC conference

From September 10 to 12, 2025, the 1st MG-ERC conference will take place. The Main-Group Elements Reactivity Conference (MG-ERC) is a new meeting, created to bring together researchers working in the fields of main-group chemistry, coordination chemistry and inorganic chemistry to discuss new concepts, ideas and trends in these dynamic fields, and to establish links and collaborations.

Studying chemistry at UNamur

Aujourd’hui nommés « chimistes », les spécialistes de la réactivité de la matière poursuivent l’art des expériences et des découvertes. Les produits de leurs connaissances essentielles s’appliquent dans les domaines de la nutrition, la santé, l’hygiène, les transports, le sport, la construction et la protection de l’environnement.