The Data Analytics course is an applied course implementing a pedagogy inspired by Service Learning and Learning by Doing. Divided into different teams, the students explored important challenges for the social profit sector and the sustainable development of our society, such as the care offered to the elderly or the match between the training offer and the work sector. These analyses were based, among other things, on data from the Social Profit Data Trust, a platform created by the King Baudouin Foundation in collaboration with representatives of the social profit sector: UNIPSO, Verso, Unisoc, BRUXEO and ConcertES. An immersive setting that enabled students to develop their data analysis skills while reflecting on the positive impacts that their talents in this practice could bring to society.
"The aim of this assignment is to enable students to put themselves in the shoes of real data analysts: analyzing data, proposing concrete solutions and communicating their results in a clear and impactful way, explains Claire Deventer, teacher of the course. "More than technical skills, data analysis also requires managerial, human and ethical skills. Students were coached to think about the impact their data analysis could have on society, and ways of making it as ethical as possible."
Inspired by the Service Learning philosophy where students learn by putting their skills at the service of society, the project spearheaded by Claire Deventer benefited from invaluable pedagogical support from Maxime Giegas, specialist in education for global citizenship and solidarity at the FUCID, Charlotte Sine, technopedagogue at the Faculty of Education and Training Sciences (FaSEF) as well as Benito Giunta, assistant at the Faculty EMCP.