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Welcome to the UNamur newsroom! Discover our latest news here.
They are future veterinarians, doctors, lawyers, historians, geographers, or even computer scientists, and they share this common point: the concern to train themselves, voluntarily, in the challenges of sustainable development and transition. Since October 2024, 25 mainly 3rd-year students from various UNamur faculties have been taking part in a pilot experiment: the Journées de l'Education au Développement Durable et à la Transition (JEDDT). This Monday, March 17, they presented in a creative form, the fruit of their reflection after 6 months of training.
From March 10 to 14, 2025, the Faculty of Law at the University of Namur hosted an academic event of international stature: the European Moot Court Competition. Supervised by Jean-Marc Van Gyseghem, lecturer at UNamur and deputy director of the Centre de recherches Information, Droit et Société (CRIDS), the initiative was organized as part of the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP).
Le Printemps des Sciences is the must-attend science and technology event in Wallonia and Brussels. It takes place every year in early spring and offers free activities accessible to all.