Wafa Hammedi
Wafa is an associate professor of service Innovation and marketing at the faculty of Economics and Management (University of Namur- Belgium). She received her PhD from the Institute for Management Research of the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Her primary research interests are Service Innovation & Marketing – investigating the dynamic capabilities of innovation management in service firms. She is also interested in Knowledge co-creation mechanisms during open innovation and within digital platforms in Business-to Business and B-to-C contexts . She is passionate of service research - her work focuses on virtual communities, customer engagement and customer co-creation expériences… She was among the top young service marketing thought leaders in 2012. She serves as the chair of the Special Interest Group on service Innovation at the IPSIM -Largest worldwide innovation management network. She published in highly recognized journals, among others, in the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Service Management, Decision Management. She won several Awards, and shei was recently granted the 2013 IBM Faculty Award .This global IBM competition recognizes the quality of Professor Hammedi’s research and its importance to the industry.
Research institutes
Research center
Domains of expertise
Innovation Management (eg: open innovation, value co-creation, portfolio decision making . in B-to-B and B-to C contexts)
Innovation marketing (eg: Launch of new products, marketing of new products and services..)
services marketing/ management : Co-creation within virtual interfaces and open networks
External responsibilities
Reviewer for the following journals:
- Journal of Product Innovation Management
- Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
- Journal of Service Management
- Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
- Annals of Tourism Research
Reviewer for the following conferences :
- American Marketing Association (AMA)
- Academy of Management (AOM)
- Association Française du Marketing (AFM)
- European Marketing Academy (EMAC),
- European Institute on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science (EIRASS),
- European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS)
- Chair of Special Interest Group on service Innovation at ISPIM.
- From 2013- Member of Jury for the “best Master thesis innovation in Europe : Future ideas network. (futureideas.eu)
- Reviewer for “ Best Master thesis in Marketing “ Award, organized by STIMA-Belgium
Ph.D in Management Sciences from Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- IBM Faculty Award- 2013
- Project Management Institute Research Award 2008
- Scholarship Docquier 2006
New Product Development and Launch [ELMAM410]
Marketing opérationnel [EFAGM055]
Projet : innovation [EITGB315]
Projet : innovation [EIMIB313]
Projet : innovation [ECGEB367]
Service Design and Innovation [ELMSM416]
Services Marketing and Strategy [ELMSM413]
FABRIKK : Laboratoire entrepreneurial [ELBEM190]
New Product Development and Launch [ELMAM410]
Marketing opérationnel [EFAGM055]
Projet : innovation [EITGB315]
Projet : innovation [ECGEB367]
Projet : innovation [EIMIB313]
Service Design and Innovation [ELMSM416]
Services Marketing and Strategy [ELMSM413]
FABRIKK : Laboratoire entrepreneurial [ELBEM190]
New Product Development and Launch [ELMAM410]
Marketing opérationnel [EFAGM055]
Projet : innovation [ECGEB367]
Projet : innovation [EIMIB313]
Projet : innovation [EITGB315]
Service Design and Innovation [ELMSM416]
Services Marketing and Strategy [ELMSM413]
FABRIKK : Laboratoire entrepreneurial [ELBEM190]
New Product Development and Launch [ELMAM410]
Service Design and Innovation [ELMSM416]
Services Marketing and Strategy [ELMSM413]
FABRIKK : Laboratoire entrepreneurial [ELBEM190]