Bachelor in Computer Science (Evenings and Weekends Schedule)
staggered hours
- ECTS Credits 180
Our staggered-schedule computer training course celebrates its 25th anniversary!

The Bachelor of Computer Science off-schedule program comprises 180 credits spread over 3 annual blocks.
It is built around the following objectives:
- Learn to pilot, design and develop innovative projects with high added value for companies, which are conducive to progress for society.
- Know and understand the organizational environment in which applications operate, in particular the relationships between IT, the individual, the company and society.
- Master information and communication technologies: programming, databases, operating systems and networks, artificial intelligence, security, information systems, etc.
- Become the architect of major IT applications: in the medical field, in banking and finance, in telecommunications, for government, in research and development, for the scientific sector.
Teaching methods
Collaborative work to foster autonomy and critical thinking
From the first year of the bachelor's degree, the program includes a major programming project.
The personal project at the end of the bachelor's degree prepares students for scientific writing. Emphasis is placed on the precise formulation of a problem (definition, context, motivation, applicability, originality, complexity, questions raised, etc.) and the elaboration of a state of the art. Several workshops (scientific research, writing, oral presentation) enable students to acquire the skills required to write a scientific paper and... a master's thesis.
A e-learning site ensures the dissemination of materials (transparencies, syllabi, reference articles, exercises...), and facilitates exchanges between all those involved (students, teachers...): forum, group communication...
The cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique is at your disposal, all year round, should you need methodological help. Individual interviews can be arranged face-to-face or remotely with an advisor.
Success aids
Do you have what it takes?
Test your knowledge and skills with "Passeports pour le bac".
At the start of your first year, "Passeports pour le bac" allow you to compare your knowledge and skills with those expected by your teachers. Depending on your results on these tests, reinforcement sessions are offered to you by the Faculty. In this way, you can fill in any gaps in your knowledge and help yourself to success. Results are not taken into account in your end-of-year assessment.
Are your methods appropriate?
To succeed in your first year, you need effective strategies.
If you're having trouble with your study methods, the Cellule Interfacultaire d'Appui Pédagogique offers individual appointments or small-group workshops on request. Throughout the year, a pedagogical coordinator is available in the Computer Science Faculty to review your study methods and techniques and help you improve them.
Courses are held in Namur, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6pm to 9pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. Some courses are nevertheless organized on Wednesdays from 6pm to 9pm (particularly for the final year of the bachelor's degree) and on Saturdays from 2pm to 5pm.
Paid educational leave (CEP)
Our training courses benefit from the three regions' paid educational leave. More info on the regional websites: Bruxelles Économie et Emploi; Service Public de Wallonie and Vlaams opleidingsverlof (VOV).
Lighter program
For various reasons, including professional ones, students can apply before October 31 for a reduction in their year of study.
After the January exams, 1st bachelor students can request a reduction in their second-quarter program. This modified program is drawn up in consultation with the jury and may include specific remedial activities.
After the baccalauréat: the master's degree
UNamur also participates in masters courses in
These programs are co-organized with other higher education institutions.
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 IHDCB231 Probability and statistics Remiche Marie-Ange 30h th. + 15h ex. 10 IHDCB121 Mathematics for computer sciences (part 1) Remiche Marie-Ange 30h th. + 30h ex. 10 IHDCB222 Mathematics for computer sciences (part 2) Remiche Marie-Ange 30h th. + 30h ex. 10 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 IHDCB142 Computer Architecture Schumacher Laurent 30h th. + 30h ex. 10 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 IHDCB112 Science, data and us Ferry-Danini Juliette 30h th. 5 IHDCB128 Digital law 30h th. 5 EFASB253_P38909 <unknown> Burnay Corentin 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 IELVB195 English II (Level B1 and above) 30h th. 5
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 IHDCB131 Programming 1 Vanhoof Wim 10 30h th. + 30h ex. IHDCB132 Programming project Vanhoof Wim 10 30h th. + 30h ex. IHDCB136 Operating systems 5 30h th. + 15h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 IHDCB121 Mathematics for computer sciences (part 1) Remiche Marie-Ange 10 30h th. + 30h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 IHDCB142 Computer Architecture Schumacher Laurent 10 30h th. + 30h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 IHDCB112 Science, data and us Ferry-Danini Juliette 5 30h th. IHDCB128 Digital law 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 IELVB195 English II (Level B1 and above) 5 30h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 IHDCB232 Methods in program construction Vanhoof Wim 10 30h th. + 30h ex. IHDCB234 Introduction to databases Cleve Anthony 10 30h th. + 15h ex. IHDCB237 Object-Oriented Design and Programming Heymans Patrick 10 30h th. + 30h ex. IHDCB236 Computer Networking Schumacher Laurent 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 IHDCB231 Probability and statistics Remiche Marie-Ange 10 30h th. + 15h ex. IHDCB222 Mathematics for computer sciences (part 2) Remiche Marie-Ange 10 30h th. + 30h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 EFASB253_P38909 <unknown> Burnay Corentin 5 30h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 Soft skillsIHDCB330 Human-Computer Interactions Dumas Bruno 5 30h th. IHDCB333 Data analysis Frénay Benoît 5 30h th. + 15h ex. IHDCB336 Web application architecture 10 30h th. + 10h ex. Soft skillsIHDCB331 Methods for programming Schobbens Pierre 10 30h th. + 30h ex. Soft skillsIHDCB332 Syntax and semantics of programming languages Schobbens Pierre 10 30h th. + 25h ex. 5h ex. IHDCB334 Database Engineering Cleve Anthony 5 30h th. IHDCB335 Analysis and Modelling of Information Systems Heymans Patrick 10 30h th. + 30h ex. IHDCB339 Introduction to the scientific approach Schobbens Pierre 5 30h th. 15h ex.
Les métiers des informaticiens
IT professions
Sharing a story, answering a survey, regulating the temperature in your home, monitoring a patient's vital parameters, getting an airplane off the ground, managing traffic lights, wrapping up a newspaper... almost everything today involves IT! Increasingly systematic digitization goes hand in hand with a constant demand for several thousand university-level computer scientists on the job market.
A degree recognized beyond our borders
As computer scientists, you can choose to work in Belgium, possibly on temporary assignments abroad, or embrace an international career.
A high-quality, varied and creative profession
According to a Randstad study that takes into account various criteria such as salary, work-life balance, working environment, job diversity and intellectual challenge, the IT profession is the 7th most attractive profession in Belgium. It is also ranked as the 5th best-paid profession upon graduation.
Rich and diverse career prospects
Thanks to a multidisciplinary university education that teaches you to rapidly assimilate new knowledge, your career path can be punctuated by multiple reorientations to best follow your personal evolution, desires and ambitions.
At first, I was tempted by all kinds of careers: fighter pilot, engineer, architect, truck driver, fireman... By chance, I ended up studying computer science at the University of Namur. Today, I can say that I have touched (and still touch) many trades. I'm sure I've been able to fit in like a chameleon wherever I've gone, thanks to the way the subjects were taught to me: favoring a well-shaped head over a full one. Frankly, in a career spanning more than 20 years, I'm still discovering new things every day, and I really enjoy it.
Pierre, Deputy IT Director - Cliniques Universitaires UCL Saint-Luc
Choose your best profile...
- Company IT specialists: employed within a company, you carry out various internal projects and thus participate fully in its smooth running.
- Freelancers: you're your own boss and manage your own customers. This status gives you greater freedom and flexibility.
- Consultants: employed by a consulting firm or self-employed, you carry out assignments (from 1 month to 2 years) in different companies to bring your expertise to projects.
Whatever your profile, you'll be working on a variety of projects, in contact with numerous collaborators, in a stimulating, constantly evolving technological environment.
Grow your career, one of those offering the most professional flexibility. It allows you to easily change not only your profile, but also your job.
- Analyst-developer
- Business analyst
- Software engineer
- Quality engineer Security expert Data scientist
- ICT architect(Information and Communication Technology)
- Project manager
- University researcher
Whatever your starting position, after a few years, you'll move on to project management and management positions, where you'll be involved in the company's strategic decisions. But this isn't a golden rule, as many original alumni careers testify.
IT is the backbone of organizations today. All too often, computer science is wrongly summed up as a purely technological discipline. Namur's Faculty of Informatics has always preferred to give its students a much broader vision, with an emphasis on human beings, organizations, business economics and communication. A winning combination for our students! All these tools are extremely useful in my job. I'm convinced that tomorrow, more than ever, our society will need IT professionals like these
Yves, Senior Standards Architect - SWIFT