Learning outcomes

The general aim of the EELVM412 Advanced English (writing) course is to achieve level B2 in written production skills, according to the indicators of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The student will be able to :

- write elaborate descriptions of real or imaginary events and experiences, indicating the relationship between ideas in an articulated text and respecting the rules of the genre in question.
- use formalities and conventions appropriate to the context in personal and professional letters and emails.
- manage misunderstandings and unexpected problems that arise in group or transactional online exchanges by responding politely and appropriately to resolve the problem.
- convey the essential content of well-structured but lengthy and substantively complex texts related to his/her professional, educational and personal interests, and clarify the opinions and intentions of the speakers.


The aim of the course is to work on written production at B2 level (cf. CEFR). The course will focus on writing texts needed in the world of work: CVs, covering letters, formal emails and visual presentations. Particular attention will be paid to grammatical and lexical accuracy as well as pragmatic skills.


The course is divided into 4 modules, each focusing on a particular type of text, and including a final task to be completed in class or at home:
Module 1: CVs
Module 2: Cover letters
Module 3: Emails
Module 4: Visual aids


Writing exercises are an integral part of the lessons and assessment, given the specific objective of the course.

Assessment method

For the first session (January or June, depending on whether the course is taken in Q1 or Q2), the course is assessed on the basis of both continuous assessment throughout the year and summative assessment in the January session. Students are obliged to take all assessments in order to validate their grade. Otherwise, the overall mark will be 0. 
1) Continuous assessment (60%)
At the end of each module, students will be required to submit a final assignment:
Module 1: writing a CV
Module 2: writing a covering letter
Module 3: writing a formal email
Module 4: prepare a visual presentation
The final tasks must comply with the instructions given in class. Failure to do so will result in failure.
2) Written exam (40%)
In the written exam, students will be asked to : 
- correct sentences or short paragraphs (error detection exercises)
- complete sentences with the appropriate word (gap fill exercises; based on vocabulary and grammar points worked on during the semester)
- comment on and edit two texts (from among those worked on during the semester). 
For the following session (September), if the overall average is less than 10/20, each student will retake the parts for which he/she did not obtain 10/20.


Warning : please note that the success of this teaching unit does not lead to certification.


Sources, references and any support material

Various resources (slides, articles, videos, etc.) will be made available to students via the WebCampus platform.

Language of instruction
