On this page, you'll find a report on all the actions and activities initiated at the University of Namur in connection with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #4: "Quality Education."


Discover all publications related to the sustainable development goal "Quality Education" on the UNamur research portal.


One example among many: Ste(a)ms education

How do we teach science, technology, digital, engineering and mathematics today? This certificate was created to answer this question.

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Social impact and actions

Institutional initiatives

UNamur, a Jesuit university

The University of Namur was founded in 1831 by the Society of Jesus. Jesuit values and educational tradition still guide the University today. These are the values of openness, excellence, sustainability and freedom.


Sustainable development at the heart of education

Numerous initiatives exist within UNamur in education related to sustainable development, in fields as varied as economics, law, computer science, physical, chemical and biological sciences, medical and biomedical sciences, geography, philosophy, history, continuing teacher education, language teaching, North-South cooperation...


The Faculty of Education and Training Sciences (FaSEF)

In 2023, UNamur has added a 7th faculty: the Faculty of Education and Training Sciences (FaSEF). Intended to host teacher training programs as part of the reform of initial teacher training, the FaSEF brings together researchers and pedagogues to promote teacher training and support, as well as research in the educational sciences.

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La Salle des Pros

Les Conférences de la Salle des Pros are first and foremost designed to listen to the questions teachers ask themselves in the course of their practice. At the intersection between the worlds of practice and research, it supports and nurtures the issues that emerge through reflection, exchange and joint construction.

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The Confluent des Savoirs (CDS)

The Confluent des Savoirs (CDS), UNamur's center for scientific culture and knowledge dissemination, aims to provide accessible knowledge, invite scientists to bridge the gap between their research and the general public, create or restore a dialogue between science and society, and address current issues and challenges.


  • the dissemination of knowledge;
  • the organization of activities to mediate and raise awareness of scientific culture;
  • the dissemination of research results, across all disciplines.

The CDS is one of the players in the Réseau Scité: the inter-university network linking the five science dissemination units of the Universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

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Forum Universitaire de Coopération Internationale et de Développement (FUCID)

FUCID, a development education NGO active on the Namur campus, offers conferences, awareness-raising trips e.a., with the aim of:

  • provoking sustainable, individual and collective changes in behavior and values at social, economic and environmental levels
  • developing civic-minded and supportive attitudes
  • developing educational tools

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CaNDLE 2021 project - Better training for students on transition and responsible management issues

The field of study for this project is the Master of Management Sciences program, which trains tomorrow's managers and entrepreneurs. Conducted in collaboration with UCLouvain, it will analyze students' social representations of sustainable development, transition and corporate social responsibility, as well as the way in which these concepts are integrated by professors into their courses.


The Moretus Plantin University Library (BUMP)

The Moretus Plantin University Library offers virtual exhibitions: Christophe Plantin, a man of character(s), From the city to the stars, The centenary of the "Moretus Library", When medicine meets its heritage.

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L'Université Tous Âges de Namur (UTAN)

L'UTAN was born of an obvious observation. Today, many adults are leaving working life at an age that still recognizes - and often for a long time to come - their remarkable intellectual and physical faculties. Many of these people express the desire to learn at university, which at this stage no longer prepares them for a profession, but contributes to greater personal fulfillment and the maintenance of an active civic life.

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Le fil rouge de la Faculté de droit

This is a first in terms of pedagogical approach: getting all the students and lecturers at the Faculty of Law, across all blocks and programs, to work on the same theme over the course of an academic year. From lectures and practical work to conferences, cultural events and civic engagement, many of the activities offered by the Faculty of Law focus on a single theme. In 2022-2023, the theme was "Education and Migration".

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Collaborations and partnerships


UNamur is involved in the Uniservitate program. Supported by an association based in Latin America, it aims to promote and support Service Learning in Catholic higher education worldwide. Service Learning supports the development of students as "whole persons" who have acquired not only academic skills, but also social and personal competencies. What's more, service learning helps them become responsible, critical citizens.

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ILI project: Migrants trained in French at UNamur

Since 2015, the University of Namur, in partnership with the Hénallux pedagogical department, has initiated several actions to help people from migrant backgrounds. They are part of the Local Integration Initiative (ILI) project recognized by the Walloon Region. In addition to intercultural activities, a French language course is offered for levels B1, B2 and C1 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). This year, around 15 students took part. Let's take a look back at this enriching experience in the service of a more inclusive society.

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UNe3 is a showcase for the entrepreneurial education ecosystem in which UNamur is a part. Its vocation is to facilitate and encourage interaction between its various players. In this project, UNamur is demonstrating its commitment to developing its students' cross-disciplinary skills and encouraging the deployment of active and experiential pedagogies.

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UNamur is a partner of STEAMULI, a space for activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, offered by various partners active within the province of Namur. The aim is to make accessible activities that stimulate and develop STEAM skills in young and old alike.


Research institutes

Institute for Research in Didactics and Education (IRDENa)

The Institute for Research in Didactics and Education (IRDENa) is made up of researchers from different Faculties and Departments offering a multidisciplinary approach and aims to amplify synergies between researchers in the world of education and didactics. Their mission is to foster the emergence of new research objects and methodologies, stemming from a variety of disciplinary anchors.

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Namur Digital Institute (NaDI) - digital education

One of the research themes of the Namur Digital Institute (NaDI) is digital education. Faced with technological developments such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, algorithms, the Internet of Things, robots, platforms, cybersecurity, etc., digital education has become a major issue for our society. Educational initiatives are now emerging in a variety of directions, reaching all age groups, in formal and informal educational contexts.

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