Individual researchers at UNamur have forged impressive international collaboration networks. This is evidenced by the institution's excellent international co-publication rate, highlighted by rankings. The challenge is to capitalize on this research momentum so that it spills over to the institutes, faculties and the institution, enabling the university to gain notoriety and attract talented students, staff and researchers.


5 key actions for this objective

  • Support from the Administration de la Recherche (ADRE) and the National Contact Point (NCP) Wallonia to stimulate an increase in the number of European projects.
  • Participation by UNamur in Wallonia's "Green and biomaterials" technological platform of excellence to acquire cutting-edge equipment in the field of green chemistry and life sciences.
  • Evaluation of Erasmus+ agreements, assessment of framework agreements and systematic development of the Erasmus Mundus network.
  • Development of tools to promote and raise the university's profile:
    • Systematic development of promotional material in English.
    • Definition of an editorial policy for the Presse Universitaires Namuroises (PUN).
  • Proactive steps towards membership of a European alliance.

The achievements

Alliances, partnerships and collaborations with international universities

  • European alliance UNIVERSEH
  • Organization of the GA of the Réseau Kircher and a week of international training for ERASMUS+ Joint Intensive Program (BIP) staff in connection with the event.
  • Launch of the Philippines studies project with the support of the Philippine government
  • Structural strengthening of North-South partnerships
  • .South partnerships
  • Expansion of the ERASMUS network
  • Increase in the number of International Credit Mobility (ICM) projects aimed at strengthening cooperation between Erasmus+ Program countries and partner countries. (EU Key Action 171)

Inclusion of UNamur in various rankings

Strengthening academic diplomacy

  • Participation and increased visibility of UNamur on the occasion of state visits (Lithuania, South Africa, Germany), economic missions (USA, Japan) and FWB missions (Spain)
  • Organization of institutional missions (France, Quebec, Spain, United States)
  • Hosting the President of the Republic of Portugal and several ambassadors at UNamur, in close collaboration with the City and Province of Namur
  • Hosting numerous delegations from European, African, American and Asian universities



Press and media visibility boosting actions

Univers2025 - Other objectives

Objectif 1 univers 2025 banner
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objectif 3
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