

After studying chemistry at the University of Orsay (Paris-Sud) and Cergy-Pontoise (ESCOM engineering school), Guillaume Berionni completed his thesis at the Institut Lavoisier at the University of Versailles (UVSQ) from 2006 to 2010 under the supervision of Professors Régis Goumont and François Terrier.

In 2010 he moved to the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich (Germany) where he completed his post-doctorate under the supervision of Professor Herbert Mayr thanks to funding from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. From 2014 onwards, he developed his own research themes and independently supervised numerous trainees and master's students, thanks to the support of the team of Prof. Herbert Mayr and Prof. Paul Knochel, and via funding from the DFG and DAAD foundations. His research work was awarded the Römer Foundation Prize in 2014.

Since September 2017, he has joined the University of Namur (Belgium) as Professor of Chemistry, where he supervises a team (Equipe Réactivité et Catalyse Organique RCO) consisting of four memoranda, six PhD students (including one assistant-doctoral student), two post-doctoral students and a technician. He is actively involved in teaching chemistry, particularly at Masters level.


Research institutes

Research center


Domains of expertise

  • Organic Chemistry - Organometallic Chemistry
  • Physical Organic Chemistry
  • Reaction mechanisms and kinetics
  • Reactivity scales
  • Catalysis without transition metals (acid/base, Lewis pairs)
  • Boron and phosphorus chemistry
  • Reactivity scales

External responsibilities

External evaluator for research agencies:

  • Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique, FRIA/FNRS, Belgium)
  • National Research Agency (ANR, France)
  • ERC starting grants (European Research Council)


PhD in Science, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (date: 30 June 2010)


2022 : Recipient of a European ERC consolidator grant (‘B-YOND’ project)

2021 : Thieme Chemistry Journals Award (Prize awarded to early-career researchers in chemistry)


This person also has a profile on the UNamur research portal.

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