

I received my Ph.D. in bioengineering from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, in 2006. I completed a postdoctoral training at the Institut Curie in Paris, France (2011-2015) and a second one at the Catholic University of Louvain (2016-2019), before joining the University of Namur where I obtained an assistant professor position in 2020. Since 2023, I am co-director of the bioimaging core facility of the University of Namur (named Morph-Im), where I contributed to the acquisition of several cutting-edge research instruments.

My research lab explores the mechanisms that govern the dynamic remodeling of cell membranes, particularly during endocytosis. Our main objective is to molecularly characterize novel unconventional endocytic mechanisms in mammalian cells and to decipher their functions under pathophysiological conditions such as cancer. In this context, we have a particular interest in the role of BAR (Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs) domain proteins, which are key players in the detection/induction of membrane curvature. My lab also explores the role of BAR domain proteins in mecanosensing and mecanotransduction processes.


Research institutes

Research center


Plateforme technologique Morphologie, imagerie - Porte-parole académique d'une platefome technologique

Domains of expertise

  • Cell biology
  • Membrane biology
  • Membrane trafficking
  • Endocytosis
  • BAR domain proteins


  • Bioengineer in Chemistry and Bioindustries - Biomolecular and Cellular Engineering / UCLouvain, 2006
  • PhD in Agronomical Sciences and Biological Engineering / UCLouvain, 2010





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