Laurent Houssiau
09/2010: Full Professor at the Faculties of Universities N.-D. de la Paix
01/2010-08/2010: Scientific Mission at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
08/2008-: Director of the Department of Physics
09/2005-08/2005: Professor at the Faculties of Universities N.-D. de la Paix
09/2000-08/2005: Lecturer at the Faculties of Universities N.-D. of Peace
10/1999-08/2000: Scientific Collaborator FNRS
05/1999-09/1999: Research Assistant UCL
04/1997-04/1999: Post-doctoral research at the University of Houston, Texas, USA
01/1995-01/1997: Researcher for the European project "Quantification of surface analysis by LEIS"
10/1991 - 04/1996: Doctoral research at UCL (supervisor: Prof. P. Bertrand)
Research institutes
Domains of expertise
1. Ion spectrometry
ToF-SIMS (Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry): ionization mechanisms, organic matter profiling, very high resolution depth profiling...
LEIS (Low Energy Ion Scattering): skills acquired during the thesis and post-doc
2. Production and modification of interfacial materials by vacuum evaporation and RF plasma
Civil engineer physicist, materials science orientation, U.C.L. (1991)
Doctor of Applied Sciences, U.C.L. (1996)
Climatologie [SGOGB314]
Technologies et sciences de l'environnement [EINGB221]
Changement global et Anthropocène [FINT0043]
Grands questionnements de la physique [SPHYB122]
Introduction à la physique médicale [MPHYB111]
Climatologie [SGOGB314_P38895]
Pratique de la physique et engagement [SPHYM150]
Physique statistique [SPHYB319]
Techniques de caractérisation des surfaces et interfaces [SPHYM226]
Thermodynamique [SPHYB205]
Climatologie [SGOGB314]
Technologies et sciences de l'environnement [EINGB221]
Changement global et Anthropocène [FINT0043]
Grands questionnements de la physique [SPHYB122]
Introduction à la physique médicale [MPHYB111]
Climatologie [SGOGB314_P36479]
Pratique de la physique et engagement [SPHYM150]
Physique statistique [SPHYB319]
Techniques de caractérisation des surfaces et interfaces [SPHYM226]
Thermodynamique [SPHYB205]
Climatologie [SGOGB314]
Climatologie [SGOGB302_P30820]
Technologies et sciences de l'environnement [EINGB221]
Changement global et Anthropocène [FINT0043]
Introduction à la physique médicale [MPHYB111]
Physique - Fondements des technologies et sciences de l'environnement et du vivant [EITGB112]
Physique statistique [SPHYB319]
Techniques de caractérisation des surfaces et interfaces [SPHYM226]
Thermodynamique [SPHYB205]
Climatologie [SGOGB302]
Physique statistique [SPHYB319]
Thermodynamique [SPHYB205]