Digital Marketing and Communication
- UE code ELMSM412
30Quarter 2
- ECTS Credits 5
- Teacher
Regarding learning outcomes for students, the course mainly aims at the acquisition of knowledge, the developement of communication skills and the application of a scientific approach. To a lesser extent, it also aims at enhancing students' reasoning as socially responsible stakeholders as well as their personal and professional self-development.
This class will provide an overview of all marketing tools available to companies both in the profit and the non-profit sector. Some marketing communication tools such as advertising or hybrid communication (sponsorship, public relationships) will be studied in more details. Examples from both research and practitioners will illustrate the theoretical concepts. The question of ethics in communication will be addressed as well.
The course will develop around four parts including 12 sessions, divided in four parts:
A balance is sought between ex-cathedra training, which aims at the systematic acquisition of paradigms, concepts and theories, on the one hand, and, interactions between students and the instructor, on the other hand, in order to enhance understanding through confrontation with everyday life cases and students’ personal experiences, as well as critical thinking. Videos, case studies and readings related to specific applications of the business world and scientific research will be used to document each part of the course.
There will be three co-lecturers for this course, belonging both to the academic and the industry, which will facilitate the interplay between theory and practice
Final evaluation will be based on:
(1) Assignment: Develop an advertising plan (20% of final mark). Students should make groups of 3 and develop an Advertising Plan for the "client » (company/brand) of their choice.
(2) A written examination (2 hours/closed books) covering all the topics and papers discussed in the classroom (80% of final mark).
Study material: you only have to study what has been presented or mentioned during the lectures (see syllabus and course schedule for the relevant chapters of the book).
+/- 3 knowledge/comprehension questions about specific parts of the course + 1 real advertisement to discuss (as to advertising and creative strategy).
Course pack (slides) is available before the course on the webcampus platform.
The reference textbooks is: De Pelsmacker, Patrick, Geuens, Maggie and Van den Berh, Joeri (2017). Marketing Communications: a European perspective, 7th edition, Prentice Hall.
Readings in the Journal of Marketing Research; International Journal of Research in Marketing; Journal of Consumer Research; Journal of Advertising; Journal of Advertising Research.