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  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    SBIOM225 <unknown> 12h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      LDROP2101 Management of Intellectual Property Rights 30h th.
      LDROP2102 <unknown> 30h th.
      LDROP2061 <unknown> 30h th.
      MGESM203_P29132 <unknown> 12h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SFCMM101 <unknown> 40h th.
      WMD2290 <unknown> 35h th. + 10h ex.
      SFCMM201 <unknown> 40h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      LBIR1334 <unknown> 22.5h th. + 15h ex.
      LBIR1362 <unknown> 30h th. + 7.5h ex.
      LBIRE2105 <unknown> 30h th.
      LBIR1336 <unknown> 30h th. + 37.5h ex.
      LENVI2011 <unknown> 30h th.
      SGOLM145 <unknown> 12h th. + 12h ex.
      SGOLM146 <unknown> 18h th. + 12h ex.
      LDROP2063 <unknown> 30h th.
      LBIR1328 Climatology and Hydrology Applied to Agronomy and the Environment 45h th. + 22.5h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SGOGB201 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 15h th. + 20h ex.
      LBRTI2101A <unknown> 22.5h th. + 15h ex.
      LGEO2140 Advanced physical geography 30h th. + 30h ex.
      LBRAT2101 <unknown> 45h th. + 15h ex.
      LGEO1343 <unknown> 30h th. + 30h ex.
      LBIRE2102 <unknown> 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
      SGOGB301 Spatial modelling and GIS 20h th. + 30h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      LAGRE2221 <unknown> 15h th. + 15h ex.
      LAGRE2310 <unknown> 15h th.
      LGEO2330 <unknown> 30h ex.
      LSCI2330 <unknown> 15h th. + 30h ex.
      LMAT2330 <unknown> 15h th. + 30h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SBIOM201 Parasitology 15h th.
      SVETM202 Animal Pathology 15h th.
      SVETM209 <unknown> 15h th.
      SVETB301 <unknown> 15h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      LBOE2148 <unknown> 24h th.
      LBOE2292 <unknown> 12h th. + 36h ex.
      SBIOM205 Epidémiologie 15h th.
      LGEOL2401 <unknown> 22.5h th.
      SGOLB210 <unknown> 24h th. + 40h ex.
      SBIOM132 Bacterial Genetics 22h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      EBIOE2001 <unknown>
      EBIOE2002 <unknown>
      LBOE2122 <unknown> 24h th.
      LBOE2143 <unknown> 24h th.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    SBOEM297 <unknown>
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    SAGRM211 <unknown> 35h ex.
    SAGRM203 <unknown> 30h th. + 10h ex.
    SAGRM206 <unknown> 30h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SAGRM204_P29261 <unknown> 30h th.
      SAGRM202_P29263 <unknown> 30h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SAGRM213 Didactical Comparison between Experimental Sciences and Mathematics 15h th.
      SAGRM214 <unknown> 15h ex.
      SSPSB202_P28249 Histoire des sciences 15h th.
  • <unknown>

    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SBOEM123 Aquatic Biodiversity 12h th. + 24h ex.
      SBOEM142 Ecologie des milieux aquatiques naturels et perturbés 12h th. + 20h ex.
      SBOEM144 <unknown> 18h th. + 12h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SBOEM238 <unknown> 24h th.
      SBOEM162 Ecotoxicology of Populations, Communities and Ecosystems 12h th. + 12h ex.
      SBOEM163 Ecotoxicology 24h th. + 24h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      LBOE2141 <unknown> 12h th. + 12h ex.
      LBOE2125 <unknown> 24h th.
      LBOE2120 <unknown> 36h th. + 12h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      LBOE2140 Landscape Ecology 24h th. + 24h ex.
      LBOE2150 Movement ecology 24h th. + 12h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SBOEM237 <unknown> 24h th. + 12h ex.
      LBOE2166 <unknown> 12h th. + 24h ex.
      LBOE2185 Evolutionary Applications 20h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      LBOE2160 <unknown> 24h th.
      LBOE2168 <unknown> 24h th. + 12h ex.
      LBOE2161 <unknown> 24h th. + 12h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SBOEM165 Evolutionary Genomics and Transcriptomics 30h th. + 18h ex.
      SBOEM169 Ecological Proteomics and Epigenetics 30h th. + 18h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
      1 2 3
      SBOEM124 Molecular Ecology 36h th. + 56h ex.
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  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SBIOM225 <unknown> 2 12h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      LDROP2101 Management of Intellectual Property Rights 5 30h th.
      LDROP2102 <unknown> 5 30h th.
      LDROP2061 <unknown> 5 30h th.
      MGESM203_P29132 <unknown> 2 12h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SFCMM101 <unknown> 4 40h th.
      WMD2290 <unknown> 3 35h th. + 10h ex.
      SFCMM201 <unknown> 4 40h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      LBIR1334 <unknown> 3 22.5h th. + 15h ex.
      LBIR1362 <unknown> 3 30h th. + 7.5h ex.
      LBIRE2105 <unknown> 3 30h th.
      LBIR1336 <unknown> 5 30h th. + 37.5h ex.
      LENVI2011 <unknown> 3 30h th.
      SGOLM145 <unknown> 2 12h th. + 12h ex.
      SGOLM146 <unknown> 3 18h th. + 12h ex.
      LDROP2063 <unknown> 5 30h th.
      LBIR1328 Climatology and Hydrology Applied to Agronomy and the Environment 6 45h th. + 22.5h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SGOGB201 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4 15h th. + 20h ex.
      LBRTI2101A <unknown> 3 22.5h th. + 15h ex.
      LGEO2140 Advanced physical geography 5 30h th. + 30h ex.
      LBRAT2101 <unknown> 5 45h th. + 15h ex.
      LGEO1343 <unknown> 5 30h th. + 30h ex.
      LBIRE2102 <unknown> 4 30h th. + 22.5h ex.
      SGOGB301 Spatial modelling and GIS 4 20h th. + 30h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      LAGRE2221 <unknown> 2 15h th. + 15h ex.
      LAGRE2310 <unknown> 2 15h th.
      LGEO2330 <unknown> 5 30h ex.
      LSCI2330 <unknown> 5 15h th. + 30h ex.
      LMAT2330 <unknown> 4 15h th. + 30h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SBIOM201 Parasitology 2 15h th.
      SVETM202 Animal Pathology 2 15h th.
      SVETM209 <unknown> 2 15h th.
      SVETB301 <unknown> 2 15h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      LBOE2148 <unknown> 2 24h th.
      LBOE2292 <unknown> 4 12h th. + 36h ex.
      SBIOM205 Epidémiologie 2 15h th.
      LGEOL2401 <unknown> 2 22.5h th.
      SGOLB210 <unknown> 6 24h th. + 40h ex.
      SBIOM132 Bacterial Genetics 3 22h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      EBIOE2001 <unknown> 6
      EBIOE2002 <unknown> 6
      LBOE2122 <unknown> 2 24h th.
      LBOE2143 <unknown> 2 24h th.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SBOEM297 <unknown> 22
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    SAGRM211 <unknown> 6 35h ex.
    SAGRM203 <unknown> 3 30h th. + 10h ex.
    SAGRM206 <unknown> 3 30h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SAGRM204_P29261 <unknown> 3 30h th.
      SAGRM202_P29263 <unknown> 3 30h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SAGRM213 Didactical Comparison between Experimental Sciences and Mathematics 2 15h th.
      SAGRM214 <unknown> 2 15h ex.
      SSPSB202_P28249 Histoire des sciences 2 15h th.
  • <unknown>

    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SBOEM123 Aquatic Biodiversity 3 12h th. + 24h ex.
      SBOEM142 Ecologie des milieux aquatiques naturels et perturbés 2 12h th. + 20h ex.
      SBOEM144 <unknown> 3 18h th. + 12h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SBOEM238 <unknown> 2 24h th.
      SBOEM162 Ecotoxicology of Populations, Communities and Ecosystems 2 12h th. + 12h ex.
      SBOEM163 Ecotoxicology 4 24h th. + 24h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      LBOE2141 <unknown> 2 12h th. + 12h ex.
      LBOE2125 <unknown> 2 24h th.
      LBOE2120 <unknown> 4 36h th. + 12h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      LBOE2140 Landscape Ecology 4 24h th. + 24h ex.
      LBOE2150 Movement ecology 4 24h th. + 12h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SBOEM237 <unknown> 3 24h th. + 12h ex.
      LBOE2166 <unknown> 3 12h th. + 24h ex.
      LBOE2185 Evolutionary Applications 2 20h th.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      LBOE2160 <unknown> 2 24h th.
      LBOE2168 <unknown> 3 24h th. + 12h ex.
      LBOE2161 <unknown> 3 24h th. + 12h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SBOEM165 Evolutionary Genomics and Transcriptomics 4 30h th. + 18h ex.
      SBOEM169 Ecological Proteomics and Epigenetics 4 30h th. + 18h ex.
    • <unknown>

      Left to read
      Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
      1 2
      SBOEM124 Molecular Ecology 8 36h th. + 56h ex.