Thierry Arnould
FNRS Honorary Qualified Researcher (1998-2006).
Post-doctoral stay in the molecular nephrology laboratory of Prof. G. WALZ (Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Renal Division, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA). Supervising physician V-SUKHATME. Research topic: study of molecular interactions and intracellular signaling pathways activated by polycystins -1 and -2, two mutated proteins in polycystic kidney disease (1996/1999).
Fellow of the Belgian American Educational Foundation (B.A.E.F.). Francqui Foundation Fellow and D. Collen Research Foundation vzw Fellow (1996/1997).
NIH Fellow (National Institute of Health, USA) (1997-1998).
Research institutes
Research center
Domains of expertise
Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Signaling, Differentiation, Mitochondria, Bioenergetics, Metabolism and Lipids.
External responsibilities
- FRIA: member of a FRIA jury (Biochemistry #3): 2001-2009. FRIA: LS3 jury member (2019-2024)
- SBBBM/BSBMB: member of the Bureau of the Société Belge de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire/Belgian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2d Vice-President (since 01/09/2002-) President of the Society between 2011 and 2013.
- ARS: Member of the Comité National de Biochimie et de Biologie of the Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. 4-year term (01/10/2003-2007)
- EU : Participation to a panel of experts in the 6th Framework Programme/priority 1 : 111ib Biotechnology and Applied Genomics - Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health - Sixth Framework Programme / area of “Development of new, safer, more effective drugs, including pharmacogenomics approaches”, in the panel with the title: LSH-2002-1. 2.1-1: Screening for drug candidates targetting aberrant molecular signalling in protein phosphorylation pathways -INTEGRATED PROJECTS (IP) / (Brussels : 05/05/2003-09/05/2003).
- EU : Participation as an expert to the Marie Curie International Incoming and Outgoing Fellowships of the Human Resources and Mobility (HRM) Programme : evaluator of FP6-2002-Mobility-6-OIF and FP6-2002-Mobility -7-IIF under the European Commission/ Research Directorate-General/Directorate D-The human factor, mobility and Marie Curie activites/ May-June 2004.
- Evaluator in the evaluation of the 2nd Call for proposals in the FP7 Health Theme in the areas of HIGH-THROUGHPUT RESEARCH and SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. Proposals on the Systems Biology of basic biological processes for the topic: - HEALTH-2007-2.1.2-5: Multidisciplinary fundamental genomics and molecular biology approaches to study basic biological processes relevant to health and diseases. Projects were multidisciplinary and focused on collecting, analysing and applying quantitative data to enable system biological approaches addressing basic biological processes at all appropriate levels of system complexity. Remote work (October 2007) and participation to the EU evaluation panel in Brussels between the 26th and 30th of November 2007. 7
- Regular reviewer for International Scientific Journals.
- Member of a commission FWO (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek)-Vlanderen/Commissie : Dieren-en plantenfysiologie (B2)-van 01/10/05 tot 30/09/2014
- Member of the juries for the “Bourses de Voyage de la CF” (2003, 2004 and 2005)
- Evaluator for the assessment of the education and research capacity plans for two-year master programmes in Flanders (Ministry of the Flemish Community, Department of Education, Administration of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Hendrik Consciencegebouw, Toren A/7th FLOOR, Koning Albert II-laan 15, B-1210 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM- 02/2006-03/2006).
- Member of the Board of Fonds A. Bauchau Fund (2008-)
- Member of the Board of Directors of FUCID (2004-2016)
- Evaluator for the Service Public Fédéral de Programmation Scientifique (Programmatorishe federale overheidsdienst) in charge of selecting “Postdoc grants for researchers outside the EU” (2008-).
- Member of the scientific committee of the BCMB doctoral school and institutional spokesperson: (2006-)
- Board member of Wagralim (Pôle de Compétitivité): representative for UNamur.
- FWO expert panel: SBBIO1 - Fellowship Panel (2018-2024).
PhD (with thesis) in Science (1994)
- Selected for the “Adrien Bauchau Prize” (1990): awarded for the best undergraduate dissertation (1989 and 1990 graduating classes)
- “Fellow of the Belgian American Educational Foundation” (B.A.E.F.: 1996-1997)
- “Young Investigator Travel Award of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (1997) (NIDDK Polycystic Kidney Disease Workshop, NIH)
- “Young Scientist BMB Award” from the Belgian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2001)
Techniques avancées de biologie cellulaire et moléculaire [SBIOM101]
Biochimie et biologie cellulaire I [MMEDB105]
Biochimie et biologie cellulaire II [MMEDB106]
Biochimie et biologie cellulaire IV [MMEDB244]
Biologie cellulaire du cancer [MBIMB350]
Questions d'actualité en biologie [SBIOB229]
Biochimie générale II [SBIOB312]
Hot Topics in Microbiomes, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases [SBIOM128]
Analyse instrumentale biomédicale et radioprotection [MMEDB211]
Organelle Dysfunction as the Basis of Diseases [SBIOM121]
Techniques avancées de biologie cellulaire et moléculaire [SBIOM101]
Biochimie et biologie cellulaire I [MMEDB105]
Biochimie et biologie cellulaire II [MMEDB106]
Biochimie et biologie cellulaire IV [MMEDB244]
Biologie cellulaire du cancer [MBIMB350]
Biologie cellulaire pour la physique du vivant II [SPHYM144]
Questions d'actualité en biologie [SBIOB229]
Biochimie générale II [SBIOB312]
Hot Topics in Microbiomes, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases [SBIOM128]
Analyse instrumentale biomédicale et radioprotection [MMEDB211]
Organelle Dysfunction as the Basis of Diseases [SBIOM121]
Techniques de laboratoire et visite des unités de recherche [SBIOB310]
Techniques avancées de biologie cellulaire et moléculaire [SBIOM101]
Biochimie et biologie cellulaire I [MMEDB105]
Biochimie et biologie cellulaire II [MMEDB106]
Biochimie et biologie cellulaire IV [MMEDB244]
Biologie cellulaire du cancer, y compris méthodes alternatives à l'expérimentation animale [MBIMB350]
Biologie cellulaire pour la physique du vivant II [SPHYM144]
Croissance, différenciation et mort cellulaires [MBIMB302]
Biochimie générale II [SBIOB312]
Hot Topics in Microbiomes, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases [SBIOM128]
Introduction aux analyses «omiques» [SBIOB355]
Organelle Dysfunction as the Basis of Diseases [SBIOM121]
Questions d'actualité en biologie [SBIOB229]
Techniques de laboratoire et visite des unités de recherche [SBIOB310]
Techniques avancées de biologie cellulaire et moléculaire [SBIOM101]
Biochimie générale II [SBIOB312]
Hot Topics in Microbiomes, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases [SBIOM128]
Organelle Dysfunction as the Basis of Diseases [SBIOM121]
Questions d'actualité en biologie [SBIOB229]
Techniques de laboratoire et visite des unités de recherche [SBIOB310]