"It is by allowing ourselves to be inspired by our new honorary doctors and by submitting ourselves without complacency to criticism, that we wish to continue our progress towards ever greater responsibility, in the service of social and environmental justice" - Annick Castiaux, Rector of UNamur.

The insignia of Doctorates Honoris Causa will be awarded at a ceremony to be held on September 30, 2024, at UNamur.

From now until then, we invite you to discover each week, the portrait of one of our four Honorary Doctors 2024.

Today: Bouli Lanners

At 59, Philippe Lanners, the man everyone calls "Bouli", is an emblematic figure of Belgian cinema, shining far beyond our borders. Director, screenwriter and actor, he has made a name for himself through his talent and social commitment. His career is marked by a profound humanity and a strong commitment to various societal issues such as the environment, agriculture, health and social security. He made his debut in the 1990s with Les Snuls and directed his first short film, "Non, Wallonie, ta culture n'est pas morte", in 1995. His first feature, Ultranova (2005), won acclaim at the Berlin Film Festival. His films, including Eldorado and Les Géants, explore universal themes and give a voice to the marginalized. His latest film, Nobody has to know, won awards at the Magritte du cinéma in 2023. As an actor, he received the César for Best Supporting Actor for La Nuit du 12 in 2023. He also stars in the medical series Hippocrate (Canal+). A teacher at INSAS in Brussels, he now wishes to devote himself to his puppet theater, painting and acting, while continuing his civic commitment.

Sponsors: Jean-Michel Dogné Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Jean-Benoit Gabriel, professor of cinema in the Faculty of Philosphy and Letters.

L'invité de la première GCN

Bouli Lanners sera aussi l'invité de l'ouverture de la saison 24-25 des Grandes Conférences Namuroises. 

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