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Program only for students enrolled before the 2022-2023 academic year.

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  • <unknown>

    Slide to the left
    Code Naam Onderwijzer(es) Studiepunten Uren/kwartaal
    1 2
    PAYS0016-1 <unknown> 3 8h th. + 22h oe.
    PAYS0017-1 <unknown> 3 24h th. + 11h oe.
    ECON2251-4 <unknown> 9 81h th.
    Développement durable
    sustainability tag
    VEGE0037-1 <unknown> 6 34h th. + 19h oe.
    Développement durable
    sustainability tag
    PAYS0014-1 <unknown> 6 19h th. + 38h oe.
    Développement durable
    sustainability tag
    ENVT2052-1 <unknown> 3 24h th. + 12h oe.
  • <unknown>

    Slide to the left
    Code Naam Onderwijzer(es) Studiepunten Uren/kwartaal
    1 2
    Développement durable
    sustainability tag
    SSMRM201 <unknown> 10
    Développement durable
    sustainability tag
    SSMRM202 <unknown> 20