
This course will teach the students the basic principles and fundamentals of business process management.


At the end of this course,

1) students have acquired an understanding of Business process management (the fundamental principles, the wider context & the integration in enterprise architecture, the integration into application architecture)

2) students are capable of modeling a business process from a the control-flow perspective, while also knowing about to quality aspects in business process modelling and being able to apply this knowledge while modelling.

3) Students can evaluate the expressive power of workflow modelling languages and have a basic undstanding of Petri Nets as fundamental model supporting the BPMN languages

4) Student know about and can apply Decision Modelling

5) Students know about and can perform Process Mining


  • The BPM cycle
  • BP Modelling: basic concepts
  • BPMN, Petri Nets & Token Semantics
  • Modelling Quality
  • BPM and Enterprise Architecture
  • BP Enactment
  • BP Maturity
  • Business Rules
  • Decision Modeling
  • Business Process Mining
  • Rule-based BPM, Intelligent BPM


Group work and oral and written exam (closed book - Theory and exercises)

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

Web-lectures, Slides and papers are available through webcampus

Advised reading: M. Dumas et al., Fundamentals of Business Process Management, Springer, 2013

Taal van de instructie
