
The objectives of the course are that the student understands the rationale and the limits of the State intervention in a market economy and that (s)he understands the purposes and the tools of the fiscal policy with a view of assessing the quality and the sustainability of the policy stance and of its alternatives.


The first part of the course is devoted to the analysis of the State intervention in a market economy, with a focus on the microeconomic underpinnings, the potentially conflicting purposes, and the equity considerations. The second part presents the budgetary principles before offering an economic analysis of taxation and of some components of expenditures, in particular the social security. It ends with the economics of fiscal imbalances. The thirds part is devoted to a special topic, being the environmental challenge, fiscal federalism, or the relationship between fiscal policy and financial markets.


Oral exam, of about 20 minutes, without access to textbooks, papers & lecture notes, on the basis of a list of broad questions circulated before the exam. The focus is on the understanding of issues at stake and on analytical skills.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

- Articles posted on WebCampus - Bruno Colmant et Etienne de Callataÿ, L'impôt en Belgique après la crise, Larcier, 2010 - Christian Valenduc & André Decoster, L'impôt et la politique fiscale en Belgique, Presses universitaires de Bruxelles, 2011 - Banque Nationale de Belgique, Annual report, chapter « public finance »

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