
Understand the taxonomy of freshwater fish and macro-invertebrates (identification of organisms) as well as the functional aspects of diversity (what are the assemblages, and what is their relationship to the environment).
Understand the mechanisms causing the biogeography of phytoplankton and other species
Understand the mechanisms driving plankton diversity (the plankton paradox).
Read, digest, and present scientific documents on the topic of the course;


To create insight into the relationship between environmental factors and the diversity of aquatic communities (fish, macro-invertebrates, plankton).


Several aspects will be approached through field and laboratory work: * collection of macroinvertebrates in rivers, identification, analysis of trophic guilds and biological traits * fish sampling in rivers and/or lakes: species identification, estimates of density and biomass, analysis of factors determining community composition. Invited experts will contribute to the training.


Introduction: definitions, motivation of the course
Phytoplankton: biogeography and paradox of the plankton
Ichtyological aspects



Literature synthesis for the phytoplankton part.
Collection of macroinvertebrates and identification, analysis of trophic guilds
Collection of fish in rivers and/or lakes: species identification, density and biomass estimation



- Group report, to be defended during personal interviews: 66%
- Oral exam for the 'phytoplankton' part ("open book": 33%). Can be hosted live or on Teams.
The final note is the average of the two parts. In the event of failure (final mark < 10), the part for which the student obtained a mark >10 does not have to be retaken, there is therefore a partial exemption for the part passed. Partial exemptions are valid for 1 academic year: the mark for the pass part in year n will therefore be transferred to year n+1, but not to the following years.
If a student decides to sign for the exam (wants to get an attendance mark), she/he does so for the entire course. It is impossible to sign for a game.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

Various scientific papers .
Powerpoint slides
All these materials can be found on WebCampus

Taal van de instructie
