
At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the challenges and complexity of scientific research, particularly in the context of drug development. They will be familiar with the techniques most frequently used in drug development and/or detection. 


The aim of this course is to enable students to master the various aspects of scientific research in accordance with current standards.


Firstly, the course will look at the concept of scientific research and the funding possibilities for carrying out a scientific research project. Secondly, various projects carried out within the research departments of the University of Namur will be presented to enable students to understand the real issues and challenges encountered, as well as the various techniques for analysing and dosing drugs.


1. Scientific research
2. Funding arrangements 
3. Major techniques in in vitro research


The practical work will be divided into 4 modules: 
1. ELISA; 2. PCR; 3. thrombin generation; 4. Cell culture 


Oral examination consisting of a presentation of the placement project and a Gantt chart (planning of the tasks to be carried out to complete the project during the Master's course). Practical work will be assessed on an ongoing basis outside the semester and with the submission of a final report. The overall mark is calculated as follows: Practical work (6/20) + theory exam (14/20). An out-of-session written test will also be carried out in order to obtain the biosafety certificate. 
Attendance at the practical sessions is compulsory.
Students who do not obtain 10/20 in the practical work or who do not obtain the biosafety certificate will fail the course.

The exact assessment procedures are subject to change when exam timetables are drawn up, depending on the practical constraints that the faculty administration may have to deal with, or in the event of illness/force majeure/employment with a work placement, or because of the health situation linked to the coronavirus.

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