
Written reception

Comprehension of short, simple texts on concrete, current topics with a high frequency of everyday or work-related language, containing extremely frequent vocabulary, including internationally shared vocabulary.


Oral reception

Understanding well enough to meet concrete needs, provided that diction is clear and flow is slow; understanding expressions and vocabulary relating to areas of immediate priority (e.g. personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).


Oral production

Simply describe or introduce people, living conditions, daily activities, likes and dislikes, using short series of expressions or non-articulate sentences.


Oral interaction

Be able to interact with reasonable ease in well-structured situations and short conversations, provided the other person gives help where necessary; cope with simple everyday exchanges without undue effort; ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in familiar, predictable everyday situations.


Written production

Write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked by simple connectors such as "and", "but" and "because", about everyday aspects of one's environment, e.g. people, places, work or study, with connected sentences; give a brief, basic description of an event, past activities and personal experiences.


The course aims to acquire the basics of the Spanish language (level A1) and bring students to level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Specifically, it aims to develop communication and comprehension skills to be capable of simple interactions in daily situations, communicate on elementary topics, and exchange ideas and information about familiar subjects.



See course programme on WebCampus.


See course programme on WebCampus.


See WebCampus.


The final course grade is calculated as follows:

  • Continuous assessment (20%): 2 grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation tests (dates announced at the beginning of the year on the course program on WebCampus; attendance is mandatory).
  • January assessment (80%):
    • Linguistic skills (GVP): 20%
    • Written and oral comprehension: 20%
    • Oral production (individual and interactive): 20%
    • Written production: 20%


Absence or attendance grade for any part of the exam will result in an absence or attendance grade for the whole assessment.


In the second session, students whose final grade is lower than 10/20 in January must retake the part(s) for which their grade is lower than 10/20, including linguistic skills, reception, oral production, and/or written production.


Just like in January, an absence or attendance grade for any part of the exam will result in an absence or attendance grade for the whole assessment.


In case of a new failure, the student will have to retake the whole exam the following year; there will be no partial exemption from one academic year to the next.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

Course materials (available in reprography):

  • Manual ¡Nos vemos!, Libro del alumno A1-A2, Difusión editions, 2011
  • Workbook ¡Nos vemos!, Cuaderno de ejercicios A1-A2, Difusión editions, 2011
  • Additional materials on Webcampus, Quizlet, and Duolingo

Reference books:

  • Gramática de uso del español A1-B2, SM ELE, 2008.
  • Le Bled Espagnol Tout-en-un, Hachette editions, 2019.
  • Le mot pour le dire (espagnol), Broché, 2002.

Taal van de instructie
