
This subject is part of the training in general physics and is therefore an essential topic for the training of physicists.


The student will develop a fundamental understanding of the main state fundtions in thermodynamics: internal energy, enthalpy, free energy and entropy. Antoher objective is to show how this matter lies in the borders of physics, chemistry or even biology, as it determines how systems are evolving.


The approach of thermodynamics follows the historic path (Carnot, Joule, Clausius...), after which more formal concepts are introduced and several applications are considered. Thereafter, these concepts are revisited in the light of statistical mechanics (Boltzmann's principle)


- first principle

- second principle

- entropy

- thermodynamics properties and relations

- third principle

- introduction to statistical themodynamics, Boltzmann's principle


Examinations are oral, with a one-hour preparation.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal


Taal van de instructie
