
1. To acquire a broad general and interdisciplinary culture by opening up to other disciplines and understanding the links between them and history 3. Training in critical thinking and scientific reasoning 4. Develop specialised knowledge in areas of the historical discipline and understand the issues of the discipline


Two main skills will be targeted: - A thorough understanding of the concepts and explanatory theories provided by contemporary historiography. - Relevant and critical analysis of the documents presented in the course


The course proposes a synthetic presentation of the history of the World during the contemporary period (from the French Revolution to the fall of the Berlin Wall). The content of the course will aim at identifying the main concepts allowing to understand this period of history, to present the main historiographic debates concerning this period and to highlight the most important phenomena.


An examination at the end of the semester or at the end of the academic year. This is an oral examination. It includes the presentation of a lecture, the analysis of a document (notably cartographic) and the answer to questions on the subject matter covered in the course.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

M. NOUSCHI, Petit Atlas historique du XIXe siècle, Paris, Armand Collin, 2008. M. NOUSCHI, Petit Atlas historique du XXe siècle, Paris, Armand Collin, 2000. A. TIXHON, Le XXe siècle. Le monde en mutation, Averbode, Averbode, 2006.

Taal van de instructie
