
This course gives a rigorous and most complete vision of the animal kingdom. The approach followed is evolutionary and comparative.


- provide an overview of the animal kingdom - compare the structures and functions of the major zoological groups - understand the basis of evolution and phylogenetic relationships between zoological groups - understand the life cycles of the main pests - understanding the ontogeny of a vertebrate


The main structures and functions of the major animal groups will be seen and compared with each other. Students should be able to answer questions such as: what is a diploblastic/triploblastic, acoelomate/pseudocoelomate/coelomate, protostomian/deuterostomian, radial symmetry/bilateral symmetry, what is a chordate, splanchnocranium/neurocranium, basic structures of the vertebrate nervous system, embryology of an amphibian, etc. Numerous examples will be taken from among the parasitic organisms.


The theory exam is in the form of a MCQ. Sample questions are seen during the theory course. There are 30 questions, each with 5 propositions of which only one is correct. The student has 90 minutes in total. Three scales are applied: 8 questions at scale +6 / 0 / -3; 14 at scale +4 / 0 / -2; 8 at scale +2 / 0 / -1. The practical exam is an oral exam. The student is confronted with situations seen during the year (dissection, microscopic section, identification of organisms). They account for 35% of the final grade. The student repeating the course may be exempted from the practical exercises if he/she has obtained a mark of at least 10/20 in the practical examination. No partial exemption from the theory course is granted (the student having a mark lower than 10/20 for the UE, but having a mark of 10/20 in the theory exam will have to repeat the theory exam).

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

- Campbell and Rice. Biology. 7th edition, Pearson. - Beaumont and Cassier. Animal biology. From protozoa to epithelial metazoa. Tome 1. Dunod. - Beaumont and Cassier. Animal biology. Les cordés: anatomie comparée des vertébrés. Dunod. - Ruppert and Barnes. Invertebrate zoology. Brooks Cole. - Lecointre and Le Guyader. Phylogenetic classification of living organisms. Belin.

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