
At the end of the course, students will be able to :

    understand the basic notions and concepts related to geometrical, wave and quantum optics ;
    apply this knowledge to the understanding of various physical phenomena related to the life sciences (microscopy, how the eye works, endoscopy, X-ray imaging, etc.);
    express themselves in correct scientific terms;
    model a situation from everyday and/or professional life, making appropriate use of the formulae, laws and principles of optics;
    Develop a critical scientific mind and establish sound scientific reasoning.


The aims of the course are to :

    to provide a solid knowledge base in physics, more specifically in the field of optics
    to highlight the close links between optics and the life sciences.

Students will be led to understand matter in depth, going beyond a simple knowledge of laws and concepts.


This physics course is usually based on simple observations and experiments carried out in class. From these observations, we draw lessons, rigorous reasoning and the deduction of physical laws. Simple demonstrations are presented, as well as an explanation of the fundamental laws of optics. These laws are then applied to explain phenomena in everyday life or in nature. The links between optics and the life sciences are essential in this course (microscopy, how the eye works, endoscopy, X-ray imaging, etc.).


The following lesson plan is provided for illustrative purposes:

1. Introduction

1.1 Historical overview  

1.2 The nature of light

1.2.1 Notion of wavelength and plane waves

1.2.2 The concepts of reflection, transmission and absorption

1.3 Different models of light

1.3.1 Geometrical optics

1.3.2 Wave optics  

1.3.3 Quantum optics

1.4 The electromagnetic spectrum

1.5 Optical medium

1.5.1 Speed of light

1.5.2 Refractive index

1.5.3 Dispersion  

1.6 Light sources

1.6.1 Incandescent sources

1.6.2 Luminescent sources

1.6.3 Monochromatic sources

2. Geometrical optics and optical instruments                                            

2.1 Model assumptions

2.1.1 Light as a ray

2.1.2 Objects and images

2.2 Reflection

2.2.1 Law of reflection

2.2.2 Flat mirrors

2.2.3 Spherical mirrors

2.3 Refraction

2.3.1 The law of refraction

2.3.2 The spherical dioptre

2.3.3 The plane diopter

2.4 Thin lenses  

2.4.1 Types of lenses

2.4.2 Equation for thin lenses

2.4.3 Focus and focal length

2.4.4 Image formation

2.4.5 Lens systems

2.4.6 Lens aberrations

2.5 The magnifying glass


3. Wave optics                                        

3.1 Model assumptions

3.1.1 Light as an electromagnetic wave

3.1.2 Polarisation of light

3.1.3 Superposition of waves

3.2 Wave interference

3.3 Huygens' principle

3.4 Young's experiment

3.5 Diffraction

3.5.1 Diffraction through a slit

3.5.2 Resolution and Rayleigh criterion

3.5.3 The diffraction grating

4. Quantum optics

              4.1 Model assumptions

                             4.1.1 Light as a particle

                             4.1.2 The fundamental processes of radiation

                             4.1.3 Wave-corpuscle duality

              4.2 The laser


5. Microscopy

5.1 Principle of an optical microscope

5.2 Resolution limits

5.3 Electron microscopes

5.4 Other microscopes

6. The eye

6.1 Anatomical description

6.2 Optical model of the eye

6.3 Accommodation

6.4 Defects and corrections

6.5 Colour perception and colours in nature

6.6 The animal eye


7. Endoscopy

              7.1 Total internal reflection

              7.2 Application of total internal reflection

              7.3 The endoscope

8. X-ray imaging

              8.1 X-ray spectrum

              8.2 X-ray diffraction and DNA structure

              8.3 Photon-matter interaction processes

              8.4 Attenuation of photons in matter

              8.5 Imaging and contrast

9. Colorimetric oximetry

              9.1 Oximeter

              9.2 Blood composition

              6.3 How it works


Exercise sessions organised by an assistant in small groups (20 to 27 students per group).

10 hours of practical exercises (TD) are linked to this teaching unit. These sessions are part of a set of practical sessions associated with the Physics II unit (SPHY B113).


This teaching unit comprises three distinct but complementary parts, and assessment will comprise an examination on the theoretical course, including exercises (assessment of tutorials) and continuous assessment on the practical work.

The practical work (TP) is assessed continuously by the assistants/teachers. Practical work is compulsory. In the event of illness or exceptional absence, which must be justified to the faculty secretariat, the student must contact the assistant as soon as he/she returns to the University in order to organise a recovery session. As practical work is subject to continuous assessment, the mark obtained during the year will be carried over to the different sessions, if necessary without the possibility of improving the mark.

The practical work mark obtained in this way is then included in the course mark, which accounts for 15% of the overall mark.

The tutorial assessment takes place during the June and August sessions, at the same time as the theoretical course examinations. It consists of two exercises. The written examination requires students to solve exercises based on those carried out during the year in tutorial sessions. The TD mark obtained in this way is then included in the course mark, which accounts for 20% of the overall mark. Students who do not achieve an overall mark of ≥10 in June are again tested on the exercises in August.

The assessment criteria are essentially comprehension and logical thinking: on the basis of clear hypothesis(es) and/or precise definitions, express, sometimes with a minimum of mathematical development, the 'physical' perception of a problem; you may also be asked to explain an application. An answer often requires the presentation of a clear and suitably drawn diagram or graph.

The examination on the theory course and the tutorials is written in June and August.

Precise instructions will be communicated in due course and certain modifications to the present assessment arrangements may be made in the light of developments in the health crisis.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

Course materials will be available online free of charge on Webcampus.

Curious students should also consult

    Physics for the life sciences - 3rd edition - Martin Zinke Allmag
    Physics, Eugène Hecht, De Boeck, ISBN 978-2744500183
    Physics, Joseph Kane and Morton Sternheim, Dunod, ISBN 2100071696
    Physics III - Waves, optics and modern physics, Harris Benson, De Boeck, ISBN 9782804193812

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