
This lesson gives an overview of different type of interactions between radiations and matter. Radiations can be electromagnetic radiations or energetic particles. The matter is considered under its inert or biological form. The applications discussed in this lesson are related to particle detection (gamma rays and neutrons), the study of certain detectors associated to more fundamental physics, as well as medical diagnoses and cancer treatments using radiations.  



  1. First part: Interaction radiation – inert matter (C. Stasser / J. Colaux, 15h-7h30)
    1. Interaction of charged particles in matter
    2. Interaction of neutral particles in matter
    3. Radiation detectors
    4. Examples
  2. Second part: Interaction radiation – biological matter (S.Lucas, 15h-7h30)
    1. Introduction to radiation sources
    2. Interaction of ionizing radiation (photons, charged particles, electrons, neutrons, …) with biological matter at different levels (molecules, cells, tissues, entire organism)
    3. Biomedical applications of radiations (medical imaging, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, sterilization, ...)
    4. Control and radioprotection

Practical works are associated to each part (2 x 7h30).



Inert part (C. Stasser / J. Colaux)

Chapter 1: Interaction of charged particles in matter

Chapter 2: Interaction of neutral particles in matter

Chapter 3: Radiation detectors

Chapter 4: Examples

Biological part (S. Lucas)

Chapter 1: Introduction to radiation sources:

Chapter 2: Interaction of ionizing radiation (photons, charged particles, electrons, neutrons, …) with biological matter at different levels (molecules, cells, tissues, entire organism)

Chapter 3: Biomedical applications of radiations (medical imaging, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, sterilization, ...)

Chapter 4: Control and radioprotection



Inert part (C. Stasser / J. Colaux, 15h-7h30)

Chapter 1: Interaction of charged particles in matter

Chapter 2: Interaction of neutral particles in matter

Chapter 3: Radiation detectors

Chapter 4: Examples

Biological part (S. Penninckx/ S. Lucas)

Chapter 1: Introduction to radiation sources:

Chapter 2: Interaction of ionizing radiation (photons, charged particles, electrons, neutrons, …) with biological matter at different levels (molecules, cells, tissues, entire organism)

Chapter 3: Biomedical applications of radiations (medical imaging, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, sterilization, ...)

Chapter 4: Control and radioprotection



For the inert part (C. Stasser/J. Colaux): written exam during the session and a practical work to return before the written exam

For the biological part (S. Lucas): written exam

The final grade is the mean between the two parts.

The participation to the practical work is mandatory. Absence must be justified by a medical certificate sent to C. Stasser, S. Lucas and secretariat one day after the date of the practical work at the latest.

For a same academic year, dispenses can be allowed in some conditions under the decision of the teachers.


Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

Introduction to experimental particle physics, RICHARD C. FERNOW

Principles of radiation interaction in matter and detection, Claude Leroy and Pier-Giorgio Rancoita


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