
From a precise project, the course yields to enable the student to work, together, through the entire process of the creation and the building of a computer application. The students need to choose between two projects:

- "Applied mathematics" oriented project

- "Mathematics didactics" oriented project


- Projects presentation and sudents groups formation in function of their project choice

- Personal task repartition

- Learning of the needed computer tools for the project (Java, Html, Mysql database language, ...)

- Communication protocols between the modules of the program.

- Writing the modules - Connecting all the modules together

- Writing the documentation for the program

- Individual presentation and evaluation


- Projects presentation and sudents groups formation in function of their project choice

- Personal task repartition

- Learning of the needed computer tools for the project (Java, Html, Mysql database language, ...)

- Communication protocols between the modules of the program.

- Writing the modules - Connecting all the modules together

- Writing the documentation for the program

- Individual presentation and evaluation


The students have to build their project during one semester


Individual evaluation wrt the task devoted to everybody and an individual presentation.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

Depending on the needed computing languages and tools

Taal van de instructie
