
The dissertation must show the ability of its author to carry out and correctly present the results of a personal, objective and methodical research project, the quality of which is not necessarily linked to its scope: -Designing a research project -Obtaining the necessary and relevant data -Analysing, comparing and interpreting the results obtained -Preparing a detailed report on his/her research -Exhibiting and defending one's work in public -Integration into a group


The practical work on the dissertation (observations, experiments, ...) will most probably also continue during the university holidays, depending on the chosen subject. The writing of the thesis continues with the description of the methods. The analysis of the results and the writing of this part of the dissertation plus the discussion start around the beginning of M2, to end in December; at this time, the dissertation should in principle be finalised for the defence in January of M2


The evaluation of the dissertation is based on the written work, an oral presentation followed by a defence, evaluated by a jury, and the evaluation of the student's performance during the year by the promoter on the basis of a final evaluation grid. The composition of the jury (4 to 5 members, including a maximum of 2 members of the supervisory team) is proposed by mutual agreement between the promoter and the student and approved by the BOE Master Course Committee. The oral defence is under the supervision of session chairs, who are appointed by the BOE Master Course Committee. The chairpersons are not members of the jury as such and do not have the right to vote during the deliberation of the thesis. Their role is to ensure that all juries arrive at an assessment based on the same criteria. They ensure that the various decisions are consistent and that a general body of case law is applied to all briefs. The presentations of the briefs are public and last 20 minutes. They are followed by a 20-minute question and answer session. The 10-minute in camera deliberations of the defences are conducted by the jury members immediately after each presentation. An overall mark is awarded for the dissertation. It is based on a grading grid for the dissertation comprising the following headings: -written work including summaries (40% of the total), marks given individually by the jury members before the start of the oral presentation, the moderator calculates the average; - oral presentation (10% of the total), assessment by the jury during its deliberation; - answers to questions (20% of the total), assessment by the jury during its deliberation. The supervisory team (promoter, co-sponsor or supervisor) awards only one mark for the team for both the assessment of the personal work and the assessment of the written work. The final mark is the result of a consensus on the basis of the mark obtained through the procedure described above.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

bibliography related to the dissertation topic; BOE dissertation guide

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