
Basic theoretical knowledge of secure application development
    Knowing what to secure, how to do it, when to do it and at what cost
    Be aware of the user culture of cybersecurity


  1. Introduction
  2. Access control
  3.  Intermediate channel attacks and data persistence
  4.  Set-uid programs
  5.  Buffer overflow
  6.  Race condition attacks


Type of assessment Q2 :

Presentation and/or assignments (100% continuous assessment)

Type of assessment Q3 :

Presentation and/or assignments

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

Transparents électroniques disponibles sur Webcampus

Autres références conseillées :

    Wenliang Du, Computer security : a hands-on approach, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform ; 1ère édition (12 octobre 2017)
    Paar et Pelzl, Understanding Cryptography, Springer (2011)

Taal van de instructie
