
The course aims to promote receptive and productive skills in German and will allow students to reach the level of an A1/A2 user according to the CECRL criteria. Students taking this course will be able to understand written and oral texts concerning, among other things, daily life in German-speaking countries and regions of Europe.


The course offers a solid introduction to the basic grammar and vocabulary of German. Students will have the opportunity to gradually adapt to a language that has a lot in common with other Germanic languages and especially with Dutch.


Based on a number of semantic fields that cover aspects of everyday life, politics, contemporary literature, contemporary music, etc., the course, as well as the exercises that accompany it, especially deal with the morphological categories of the German language (articles, verbs, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, etc.).



1. Written exam (the terms, conditions and evaluation criteria are described in a separate document that is available on WebCampus; they will be commented on by the professors).

2. Permanent evaluation based on grammar tests (practice + theory) and vocabulary. The practical organization of the tests and the assessment procedures are described in a separate document that is available on WebCampus ; the document will be commented on by the person responsible for the exercises).

Practical aspects related to the second exam session are described in a document available on WebCampus.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

A syllabus and PowerPoint presentations with grammar summaries and a range of exercises are made available to students.


Students are invited to purchase the following books:

- Hoberg, Rudolf & Ursula Hoberg. 2010. Deutsche Grammatik. Mannheim: Duden Verlag. ISBN-10: 3411743212

- Janitza, Jean et al. 2008. Allemand: Le vocabulaire (Collection Bescherelle Langues). Paris: Hatier. ISBN-10: 2218926237

- Brüssow, Armin & René Métrich. 2017. Maîtriser la grammaire allemande à l'écrit et à l'oral - Lycée et université (B1-B2). Paris: Hatier. ISBN-10: 2401029893

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