Thanks to the support it receives, the University of Namur sets up research projects addressing societal and health issues, encourages innovative teaching initiatives, contributes to student assistance programs and enhances the heritage entrusted to it.

Scientific research

Researchers work every day to advance knowledge and pass it on to future generations. With your support, they develop interdisciplinary research projects in a variety of fields.

Innovative teaching methods

Each year, our teachers train 7,300 students in 7 faculties, perpetuating the tradition of educational excellence for which UNamur is renowned. Thanks to your support, we can offer innovative programs to the actors of tomorrow's society.

Our achievements thanks to you

Un médecin oscultant un patient


Your generosity gives a wonderful boost to promising students from less financially advantaged backgrounds.

Our achievements thanks to you

Un groupe d'étudiants à l'UNamur

Sponsorship funds housed at UNamur

These generosity projects created through a bequest or donation support the activities of the university community in the themes chosen by their founders and foundresses.

Deux vétérinaires qui auscultent un chien
Les mains d'un chercheur qui forment un coeur


Er zijn veel manieren waarop je je steun kunt betuigen, privé of zakelijk. Doneer aan een project dat u na aan het hart ligt of steun de universiteit in haar onderwijs- en onderzoekstaken.

Contact | Mecenaat, schenkingen en legaten

Rectoraat - Algemene Bestuursdienst

Morgane Belin