• Over


    The Board of Administrators works within the framework of the guidelines and objectives defined by the General Assembly. Its powers and composition are defined in the institution bylaws.

    Within the framework of its powers, as defined in Article 8 of these bylaws, in particular §1, it manages the institution by ensuring the harmonious development of all its components.  

    Without this list being exhaustive, and without prejudice to the possibility of delegations provided for in Article 8 § 2 of these bylaws, the Board of Administrators

    •    proposes any amendment it deems useful to the organic regulations of the University of Namur, which the General Meeting will adopt in accordance with the provisions of Art. 6, § 2 and § 10 of the institution bylaws,
    •    decides, in matters of teaching, research and service to society, on proposals submitted by the competent bodies, and takes any initiative necessary for the common good of the institution,
    •    establishes the staff framework,
    •    appoints staff and decides on promotions and reappointments, based on proposals from the competent bodies,
    •    every two years, it assesses the activities of the General Manager,
    •    determines the number of academic staff,
    •    draws up the annual budget and accounts, which are submitted to the General Assembly for approval,
    •    approves the strategic plans of the faculties and the study and examination regulations drawn up by the Academic Board,
    •    approves the creation or abolition of teaching programmes,
    •    approves the creation and dissolution of departments, services, and research entities. In this capacity, it is the guarantor of the university organisation chart,
    •    authorises scientific missions,
    •    may set up one or more committees and determines their composition and powers.

    Secretariat: Laurence LECOCQ
  • Contact

    Visart de Bocarmé Cédric
    Boulanger Laurent
    Castiaux Annick
    Daenen Valérie
    Administrateur général/Administratrice générale
    Darquennes Jeroen
    De Terwangne Cécile
    Faulkner Stéphane
    Fievez François-Xavier
    Michiels Carine
    Schumacher Laurent