
At the end of the course, the student will be able to explain the interaction of a drug with the human body and determine the pharmacokinetic properties of a drug.


To integrate the concepts of biochemistry, physiology, signal transduction and ligand binding to receptors.


• Course. 1. Introduction - Basic concepts 2. Pharmacokinetics 3. Pharmacodynamics 4. Special pharmacology • Tutorial. TD1 • Basics of pharmacokinetics • Passive diffusion (pH/pka) • Bolus IV in a single or bi-compartmental model TD2 Repeated Doses (RD) and Slow Infusion (specific to IR and HI) TD3 Converting in vitro clearance (CL) from a metabolism model to the individual's liver CL TD4 PK (PharmacoKinetic) and PD (PharmacoDynamic) studies in special populations. • Newborn • Child • Pregnant/lactating woman • Elderly person


Written examination assessing theory and exercises based on open questions, True/False questions and exercises. The distribution of the mark is as follows: - The chapters Introduction, Pharmacodynamics and Special Pharmacology are graded /10 - The Pharmacokinetics chapter and the tutorials are graded /10.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

The PowerPoint slideshow, the practical booklet, and the research and review articles that support the study are available on Webcampus. General and Molecular Pharmacology (Edited byClementi & Fumagalli), WILEY Pharmacology (Edited by Hacker, Bachman, Messer), Elsevier-Academic Press Pharmacologie (Edited by Landry & Gies), Dunod

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