
At the end of the course, the student will be able to: • Define and understand the concepts of different theoretical approaches; • Differentiate and make comparisons between different perspectives and reference authors; • To formulate criticisms of the proposed models and of the different positions of the authors; • Mobilise concepts and theoretical approaches to analyse communication and media issues; • To provide a knowledge of Belgian and international current affairs.


The Communication and Media Literacy course (EPICB142) aims to develop students' knowledge of the main founding theories of communication sciences as well as the ability to compare and critique these different theories. In addition to the knowledge of these theories, the objective of this course is to allow students to mobilize these different theories to analyze and question the past, present, and future communicational phenomena that are at the centre of our media culture. The course also aims to develop students' ability to critically follow Belgian and international news.


The Communication and Media Literacy course (EPICB142) aims to develop students' knowledge of the main founding theories of communication sciences as well as the ability to compare and critique these different theories. In addition to the knowledge of these theories, the objective of this course is to allow students to mobilize these different theories to analyze and question the past, present, and future communicational phenomena that are at the centre of our media culture. The course also aims to develop students' ability to critically follow Belgian and international news.


In general, the teacher expects the student to appropriate the course by going beyond simple assimilation to personal reflection on the theories and concepts presented. Beyond "rote", the challenge is to be able to position the theories and concepts in relation to each other by comparing and criticizing them. It is also crucial to be able to adequately mobilise these concepts and theories to analyse communicational phenomena. The evaluation focuses on the knowledge of the theories presented in the lecture, the ability to compare and criticize them, and then to mobilize them. It also covers the understanding and application of the texts and concepts analysed in the exercise sessions. It also concerns the understanding of Belgian and international current affairs. Specifically, for the first session, the evaluation includes: • the current affairs tests organised at the end of each course of the four-month period, which account for 20% of the mark; • A closed book written examination in the January session on the mastery of the course content and practical work, which accounts for 80% of the final grade. This exam is built around three types of questions: • The definition questions test the student's ability to identify key elements and to place them accurately in their theoretical context. • The reflective questions allow the student to demonstrate their analytical skills. They check that the student is able to appropriate, articulate and critique the various arguments seen in the course. • The application questions assess the ability to mobilise theory to analyse communicative phenomena. In case of a second session, the evaluation will be done via a written exam under similar conditions (80% of the mark). This exam will be preceded by a topical test on the 2 months preceding the exam date (20% of the mark). If the crisis of COVID 19 does not allow for the organisation of a face-to-face written exam, a distance written exam will be organised via the Moodle platform.

Bronnen, referenties en ondersteunend materiaal

- the slides of the course and the practical exercises presented during the session and available on Webcampus; - the book (recommended but not compulsory to buy): "La communication: de la transmission à la relation" by Jean Lohisse, Geoffroy Patriarche and Annabelle Klein; - A file of texts used mainly in the exercises; - Different audiovisual media; - Print and broadcast media.

Taal van de instructie
