
Legal skills :
- Acquire the legal concepts of Belgian, European and international law that will be useful for the successful pursuit of your university course and future professional activity.
- Be able to find a legal reference using your BAC code
- Develop the foundations of legal reasoning
- Decode and understand the important information in a legal text

Cross-curricular skills
- Defend a point of view in a reasoned manner
- Master the basics of critical thinking
- Enrich the subject taught by personal contributions
- Develop a general knowledge of the humanities and social sciences
- Use the French language accurately and rigorously


Part I: Introduction (definition of law and branches of law)
 Part II: Institutions of Belgian, European and international law
 Part III: Sources of Belgian, European and international law
 Part IV: Subjects of law
 Part V: Subjective rights
 Part VI: Judicial review


Practical work, supervised by assistants, is organised throughout the year. Students are also welcome to visit the offices.


- covering the material in the textbook and the oral course
- closed book. Only the BAC Code may be used during the examination
- including different types of questions (specific questions, reflection questions, exercises, etc.)

Taal van de instructie
