List of courses by faculty
Transversal courses
FINT0039 | What transitions towards a more just and sustainable world? Scientific and philosophical approaches
FINT0043 | Global Change and the Anthropocene
FINT0047 | Law, sustainable development and transition
DRHO2134 | Bioethics and Human Rights
DROIB101 | Sources and Principles of Law
DROIB310 | Comparative law and English legal terminology
DROIB314 | Economic law
DROIB325 | Ethics and Law
DROIB330 | Environmental law and sustainable development
DROIB333 | Regulation and technological innovations
DROIB336 | Special welfare issues at work
DTICM313 | E-commerce law
DTICM314 | Internet Governance and E-Government
INFOB115 | Impacts of technology on humans
INFOB215 | Introduction to philosophical thought: modernity and rationality
INFOB233 | Programming methods
INFOB237 | Algorithmique
INFOB314 | Language syntax and semantics
INFOB317 | Artificial intelligence and symbolic programming
INFOM121 | Ethics: Responsibilities in IT
INFOM125 | Software testing and quality
INFOM422 | Methods and models for IT-business strategic alignment
INFOM431 | Requirements engineering
INFOM471 | Model verification
INFOM476 | Informatics and sustainable development
IHDCB331 | Algorithmic 2
IHDCB332 | Language syntax and semantics
IHDCB339 | Initiating the scientific process
IHDCM036 | Artificial intelligence and symbolic programming
IBAGM331 | IT strategies and service quality
IDASM211 | News in data science
ISBMM103 | Algorithmics
MBIMB300 | Neurosciences
MBIMB304 | Initiation to bibliographical research and to the critical presentation of its results
MBIMB305 | Introduction to clinical development
MMEDB102 | General physiology and blood
MMEDB113 | Histology II
MMEDB207 | Renal and digestive physiology
MMEDB219 | Reproductive Endocrinology and Physiology
MMEDB222 | General physiology
MMEDB272 | General psychology
MMEDB307 | Medical psychology
MMEDB331 | Human physiology
MPHAB397 | Pharmacist-patient relationship
MSBMM103 | Clinical Trials
MSBMM202 | Clinical Project Management
LGEO2185 | Advanced Geo-Processing
LPHIB103 | Philosophical Anthropology and Ecologies
LPHIB111 | Introduction to the Natural Sciences
LPHIM303 | Political Philosophy of the Anthropocene
LBRAI2110 | Elements of Agroecology
LGEO2130 | Fundamentals of Geographic and Environmental Modelling
LGEO1321 | Rural and Health Geography
LDVLP2325 | Natural Resources Geopolitics
LBIR1351 | Introduction to systems analysis
LBIR1230 | Introduction to biosphere engineering
LGEO2250 | Field measurements in geography
LBRAT2102 | Spatial modeling of territorial dynamics
LGEO2110 | Mondialisation, Development and Environment
LNRLB206 | Nederlandse tekstanalyse II
LBRTI2102 | Process-Based Modelling in Bioscience Engineering
LHISB321 | History cultural project
LHISB303 | Modern Times History Questions
LBIR1336B | Integrated Soil Science and Excursions
LHISB308 | Research Seminar: Modern Times
LBRAT2103 | Sociology of rural actors and territories
LGEO2211 | In-depth spatial statistics
LNRLB103 | Taalbeheersing Nederlands
AGRO0001-1 | Agricultural foundation
BIOD0001-3 | Biodiversity management
GEOG0650-2 | Empact studies
GEOG2024-1 | Territorial diagnostic workshops
GEOG2028-1 | Territorial planning
GEOG2035-1 | Tourism development strategy
GEOG2047-2 | Foresight Workshops and Territorial Development Seminar
PAYS0006-2 | Landscape ecology concepts
PAYS0014-1 | Ecological engineering
SBIOB207 | Notions of functional and adaptive biology
SBIOB208 | Marine Biology and Ecology Internship
SBIOB221 | General ecology
SBIOB216 | Animal Diversity and Evolution III
SBIOB217 | Animal Diversity and Evolution IV
SBIOB309 | Ecology workshop
SBIOB347 | Introduction to ecotoxicology
SBIOB368 | Applied ecology
SBOEM108 | Field placement - aquatic ecology
SBOEM123 | Aquatic biodiversity
SBOEM124 | Molecular Ecology
SBOEM142 | Ecology of Natural and Disturbed Aquatic Environments
SBOEM162 | Ecotoxicology of Populations, Communities and Ecosystems
SBOEM163 | Ecotoxicology
SBOEMM165 | Evolutionary Genomics and Transcriptomics
SBOEM237 | Pollution Bioindicators
SBOEM238 | Applied ecotoxicology
SCHIB308 | Macromolecular chemistry
SCHIM223 | Matter and Energy
SCHIM229 | Chemistry and Environment
SCHIM235 | Innovative technologies in chemistry
SGIRM320 | Complex Systems Management
SSMRM102 | Global Change and the Anthropocene
SGOGB204 | SIG - project
SGOGB206 | Geography approaches
SGOGB101 | Foundations of Geography - Territorial Analysis
ECGEB322 | Citizen engagement
SGOGB203 | Economic geography
SGOGB207 | Environmental migrations
SGOLB303 | Environment and geology
SGOGB314 | Climatology
SGOGB303 | Land planning and GIS
SGOGB315 | Geographic analysis of rural and urban spaces
SGOGB305 | Population and Environment in Southern Countries
SGOLB306 | Metallogeny and Mineral Industry
SGOGB309 | Population geography
SGOGB316 | Committing to the planet
SGOLB106 | Geography and Geology of Belgium
SGOLM145 | Pedology
SGOLM146 | Hydrogeology
SMEDB358 | Integrated and biological approach to diseases
SMEDM137| Molecular mechanisms of neurological diseases
SPHYB308 | Geophysics
SPOL2319-1 | Methods of foresight and strategic analysis
SVETB101 | Domestic animal ethology
SSMRM103 | Socio-ecological systems and complexity theory
SSMRM101 | Introduction to rurality
SSMRM104 | Introduction to the theory and management of socio-ecological transitions
SSMRM105 | Internship
SSMRM106 | Internship
SSMRM201 | Rural development project (collective project)
SSMRM202 | Dissertation
SSPSM101 | Sciences, Ethics and Development
VEGE0037-1 | Innovative Plant Production Systems
ECGEB232 | Economic Law
ECGEB322 | Engagement citoyen
ECGEB367 | Projet : innovation
ECON2248-1 | Environmental Economics
ECONM821 | Population, Environment and Governance
ECONM825 | Poverty and Livelihood Strategies
EFASB210 | Sources, Principles and Methods of Law I
EIMIB215 | Project : Entrepreneurship
EINGB316 | Resource management
EINGB221 | Environmental technologies and sciences
EINGB315 | Technologies and life sciences
EINGM107 | Technology and Sustainability
EINGM108 | Business Ethics and Transition Management
EINGM200 | Innovation Management
EITGB112 | Physics - Foundations of Environmental and Life Sciences and Technologies
EITGB113 | Chemistry - Foundations of environmental and life technologies and sciences
EITGB217 |Project : entrepreneurship
EITGB315 | Project: Innovation
ELIEM401 | Entrepreneurship & Business Development
ELFIM408 | Sustainable Finance
EMSGM225 | Collaborative Economy and New Business Models
ENVT0021-2 | Field Training and Case Study
ENVT2052-1 | Environmental impacts : Concepts and Methodology
ENVT2049-2 | Introduction to Environmental Assessment
ENVT3026-.1 | Social studies of science and technology
ENVT3027-1 | Biodiversity management practices
ENVT3028-1 | Citizen Science
ENVT3029-1 | Public Policy and Action
ENVT3030-1 | Qualitative investigation techniques
ENVT0040-2 | Theories and management of ecological transitions
ENVT3050-1 | Quantification of ecosystem services
EPOLB322 | Project : European Integration. Learning Theories in Negotiation Role-plays
FFDEM301 | Adult Learning
FFDEM302 | Teaching in higher education
FFDEM303 | Training in accompanying practice
FFDEM304 | Training to and through Practice
FFDEM305 | Special issues in the use of school media
FFDEM306 | Training in the didactics of digital tools
FFDEM309 | Foundations of research in teacher education
FFDEM310 | Special issues in subject didactics and epistemologies
FFFFB300 | Aden Test Course