Development Finance & Public Policies

DeFiPP consolidates the research work carried out in three pre-existing centers, CRED, CEREFIM and CERPE, each of which represents one of the three main areas of research: development economics, public policy and regional economics and finance, and monetary economics. DeFiPP's main objective is to promote excellent research in economics and finance, with a high international profile, using economic methodology, both in theory and empirical research, which is the common link between the clusters. Cross-fertilization will take place through the joint sharing of new methods or approaches.


Espace philosophique de Namur

A transdisciplinary space open to the outside world and designed to stimulate original research, ESPHIN addresses themes developed in its two founding departments: that of Philosophy in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and that of Sciences-Philosophies-Society in the Faculty of Science.


UNamur Institute for Research in Didactics and Education

The Institut de Recherche en Didactiques et Éducation de l'Université de Namur (IRDENa) is made up of researchers from various faculties and departments at the University of Namur. These transversal relationships offer a multidisciplinary approach and aim to amplify synergies between researchers in the world of education and didactics.

Their mission is to foster the emergence of new research objects and methodologies, stemming from a variety of disciplinary anchors.


Institute of Life-Earth-Environment

ILEE brings together expertise in fundamental and applied sciences, guaranteeing a significant contribution to a better understanding of the evolution of life and current and future environmental challenges, as well as the search for sustainable solutions, from ecological, technological, socio-economic and historical/cultural perspectives. In this context, ILEE studies the evolution of human populations, organisms, agro and ecosystems and is involved in the search for sustainable solutions, with ecological perspectives.


Namur Digital Institute

At NaDI, researchers provide innovative solutions to the new societal challenges posed by the digital revolution (eGov, eHealth, eServices, Big data, etc.). Coming from a variety of disciplines, researchers combine their expertise in IT, technology, ethics, law, management or sociology. Grouping six research centers from various disciplines, the Namur Digital Institute offers a unique multidisciplinary expertise to all areas of informatics, its applications and its social impact. 


Namur Institute for Complex Systems

The naXys institute specializes in the analysis of complex systems, whether in astronomy and dynamic cosmology, mathematical biology, optimization in optics, economic complexity or the study of the stability and robustness of these systems.


Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality

Bringing together linguists and literary scholars, UNamur's Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality provides a platform for interdisciplinary diachronic and synchronic research into the multiple ways in which different types of verbal and multimodal communicative practices manifest themselves in, give shape to, are regulated by and reflect culture and society.


Namur Institute of Structured Matter

The NISM institute federates the research activities of the chemistry and physics departments at the University of Namur. Research at the NISM institute focuses on various research topics in organic chemistry, physical chemistry, (nano)-materials chemistry, surface sciences, optics and photonics, solid state physics, both from a theoretical and an experimental point of view.


Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences

NARILIS seeks to stimulate two-way interactions between basic researchers and physicians, and to build bridges between the laboratory and the patient's bedside. NARILIS therefore aims to facilitate the translation of basic research findings into clinical applications. Its mission is to promote multidisciplinary research in order to improve human and animal health and quality of life.


Patrimoines, transmissions, héritages

The Patrimoines, Transmissions, Héritages (PaTHs) institute is a federation of research centers and groups that have sprung up in and around the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters in recent years.


The Transitions Institute aims to explore the different ways in which transitions are challenging and affecting nature and human societies in unprecedented ways, requiring a radical shift in our previous political, social and ethical patterns.