Assimilation is a special status for students of non-EU nationalities. This status entitles the student to an exemption from the higher tuition fees and to be considered as a European Union student with regard to his or her tuition fees.

Criteria for assimilated student status

  • You, or one of your parents, hold a long-term residence permit in Belgium,
  • You hold a long-term residence permit in a European Union member country other than Belgium,
  • You, or one of your parents, have been granted refugee status, candidate refugee, stateless person, under subsidiary protection or temporary protection,
  • You, or one of your parents, are staying in Belgium for more than 3 months, exercising a professional activity or benefiting from a replacement income (unemployment benefits, CPAS, ...),
  • One of your parents is a national of a member country of the European Union,
  • You have obtained a study allowance from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles or a scholarship from ARES (development cooperation) or a WBI scholarship,
  • You, or one of your parents, are taken in charge by a home CPAS,
  • You have already benefited from "assimilated" status in a higher education establishment of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation during a previous enrolment in the same cycle.

The following are considered parents:

  • Father/mother,
  • Spouse,
  • Legal cohabitant,
  • Legal guardian.

When you apply for enrolment, you will be asked to complete the assimilation form on the online enrolment platform. Nevertheless, you can return the form to us for any changes, as soon as possible.

The assimilation form must be returned duly completed and signed, and accompanied by the requested supporting documents to the following address: