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Welcome to the UNamur newsroom! Discover our latest news here.
Statistics usually focus on anticipating events that fall within the norm. But what about rare events? They are dealt with by a branch of mathematics called extreme value theory, in which Anna Kiriliouk, lecturer in statistics at UNamur, is a specialist. Applied to the climate, this theory enables us to better predict extreme climatic events, at a time when these are multiplying due to climate change.
Can a computer learn a language like a child? A recent study published in the leading journal Computational Linguistics by Professors Katrien Beuls (Université de Namur) and Paul Van Eecke (AI-lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel) sheds new light on this question. The researchers argue for a fundamental revision of the way artificial intelligence acquires and processes language.
In 2015, UNamur launched its first public campaign as part of the Fonds Namur Université, its interface for raising sponsorship funds, donations and legacies. Since then, many projects have become reality thanks to the support of alumni, donors, foundations, non-profit organizations, companies and the general public.